[h1][b]■Turning the Mundane Task of Game Balancing into a Breeze! [/b][/h1]When we talk about game creation, oftentimes most of us would first picture the arts and game play, essentially the catchiest parts of a game. However, a good game title requires a good game balance to provide a satisfying gameplay experience. Especially in the case of RPG games, parameters such as Enemy Level, Equipment Stats, Money, etc., are all elements that need to be fine-tuned to make a great game. Game developers often spend hundreds if not thousands of hours play-testing and fixing parameters, whose time-consuming nature often becomes a hurdle to become a game developer. Good News! RPG Maker Unite comes with a new feature called “Auto-Guide” that can alleviate this time constraint hurdle in the game creation process! [h1][b]■Convenient and Easy to Use! Simply Enter Some Parameters and Let the System Do the Hard Work! [/b][/h1]Aimed at helping game creators tuning game balance more easily, it is only natural that the Auto-Guide being super easy to use - and indeed it is! Initially, simply set some Common Settings parameters such as Max Level, Estimated Clear Level, Max EXP, and Max HP, and the user is largely ready to go! The system will use these values as basis to compute a suggested balance for many parameters common in RPG making! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/b32c9620113860e71c3ca3fa5d3debe07d44e8a9.png[/img] [b](Setting some initial parameters for the Auto-Guide to compute and auto-fill parameters such as Enemy Stats!)[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/7765252ec94036d554eb95996d7976dd508fed8a.png[/img] [b](At the click of a button, enemy stats can be auto-generated using the Auto-Guide!)[/b] [h1][b]■Auto-Guide is Also Available for Setting Class Growth Tendency and Equipment Stats! [/b][/h1]Auto-Guide also works for auto-setting the parameters for the classes assigned to party members. Simply adjust sliders related to HP/MP balance and some stats to determine growth tendencies, and click on “Apply” button. Voila! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/fe7bca9de975eb55225e6599b2f3458e1ea428b0.png[/img] [b](Simply adjust some sliders to set class growth tendencies)[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/d7f7c9ce424eb1673fdb7f699db918c9f28fae55.png[/img] [b](Users can adjust the growth curves for classes too!)[/b] Similarly, Equipment like weapons and armor stats can also be auto filled in a similar fashion! Simply enter the intended acquisition level, and ATK/DEF values and prices can then be auto generated via a simple button click!! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/c4d2ea1b53a4ed3a1b30f191864fd284043f3e55.png[/img] [b](Using Auto-Guide to auto set equipment stats!)[/b] Last but not the least, Skill potencies can also be generated using the Auto-Guide. Simply set some basic, common parameters, and check the box telling the system you want to use Auto-Guide, all values and multipliers are automatically filled for you! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/719c1276375ffd487336758d60db8b1a7eecfa01.png[/img] [b](Using Auto-Guide for battle related skill stats!)[/b] [h1][b]■Addon Manager to Help Control and Manage Modifications! [/b][/h1]While RPG Maker Unite can be modified directly in the Unity editor via C#, many users have voiced that a feature similar to the Plugin Manager found in previous RPG Maker titles that can switch on and off modifications, is much more convenient and beginner friendly. Reflecting this, we have previously announced in our Dev Log that we are implementing exactly that - which will now be called the “Addon Manager”. Here are some of the developmental images! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/d03991a605d4a5365eeb6b244750e62b1d464648.png[/img] [b](Switching On / Off addon modules at the click of a button!)[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/5b9532037fe869fa12b6d3a8b581061fa66234a2.png[/img] [b](Detailed instructions and parameters by the addon author can be viewed here)[/b] Clicking on the addons in the list, users can view the detailed parameters of the addon (and modify any if allowed). Instructions written by the addon authors are also displayed here too! [h1][b]■First RPG Maker Unite Trailer Released! [/b][/h1]We are very pleased to finally be able to release our very first Impression Trailer on our Official YouTube channel! Do not miss it if you want to see some footages of RPG Maker Unite in action! https://youtu.be/mHazNZrsP0k [h1][b]■Dev Log #6 Available on Steam! [/b][/h1]https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3220657507039652141 This time in Dev Log #6, we will explain in more details on how to use Auto-Guide will work! If you are curious, please definitely give it a read! [h3][b]RPG Maker Unite - Related Links [/b][/h3]・RPG Maker Unite Official Site: http://rpgmakerunite.com/en/ ・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(JPN):https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUniteJP ・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(ENG):https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUnite ・RPG Maker Dev Account (JPN): https://twitter.com/tkool_dev ・RPG Maker Blog (JPN) :https://rpgtkool.hatenablog.com/ ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #1 (FHD Support and New UI/UX): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3092290332420726164 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #2 (Outline Editor): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/4996189706098265131 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #3 (Char Anime / Tile Groups / Graphical Specs): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3181242290510188241 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #4 (Switch Lines / Event and Progress Control): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/5112163099081905321 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #5 (Parallax Mapping / Large Parts / Character Converter): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3373776723232833370