Today, we are eager to share with RPG Maker fans and potential creators looking to buy RPG Maker Unite about a new feature - “Outline Editor”! [h1][b]■ Outline Editor - A Completely New Feature to Provide Top-Down Project Visualization to Help Project Management![/b][/h1] Outline Editor - as its name suggests, it is a built-in assist tool of RPG Maker Unite that user can use to turn the project into easy-to-understand nodes for better project management! In the developmental screenshot below, one can immediately see that the new feature works by connecting various chapters and scenes from the opening to the ending via various lines, essentially into an easily understandable flowchart! In game development, it is very common to use some sort of spreadsheet software in order to track progress - but using an outside software is always a tedious process due to needing to switch back and forth between multiple software. But with RPG Maker Unite’s Outline Editor, now you can keep track of most things within one software, as well as writing down notes on particular sections to list up to-do items! [img][/img] (Game Chapters and Underlying Sections Connected to make an easy-to-understand Flowchart) As in the above example screenshot, through visualization of the entire project, users now have a better grasp of where they left off, and what they need to add. This would greatly help their thought process when making games! Also, users can now assign the corresponding maps to each node to establish a quick link from the Outline Editor to the map in the database. No longer would users need to spend huge amounts of time just to find a map as the project gets bigger, increasing work efficiency! For beginners, seeing your game taking shape in a more understandable way would certainly make the development process smooth and fun too! [img][/img] (Record anticipated player level and write down memos for each chapter) Clicking on each node, users can further write down level information or memos / to-do lists, all without relying on other external tools or software! [img][/img] (Easy to understand for self-use, also easy to share with others!) With RPG Maker Unite, we are looking to improve the usability of the engine better than before. Also on the other hand, we believe that by eliminating some of the perceived tedious points of frustration for the user in game development, we could help reduce the number of times users end up abandoning projects! [h1][b]■Introducing More Default Characters![/b][/h1] Last time, we introduced the default characters of Miguel and Sharon. It is time for two more! The third default character is called Glorianos! A veteran warrior from a distant land to warn the outside about some mysterious catastrophe plaguing his home. Glorianos is a powerful warrior whose weapon of choice is a large axe. [url=][img][/img][/url] (Click to enlarge) [img][/img] (Weapon Swing Animation) The fourth character is Kayore! A monk with a distinct, easily recognizable signature hairstyle that travels the world as a mercenary seeking challenges to master her martial arts! [url=][img][/img][/url] (Click to enlarge) [img][/img] (Evade Animation) [h1][b]■2nd Dev Log and Fan Questions Q&A[/b][/h1] As with our previous News announcement for RPG Maker Unite, we have also posted Dev Log and Q&A in our Steam Store page. For those interested in understanding more about the Outline Editor, please be sure to check it out too! Be sure to check out our [url=]1st Dev Log[/url] entry too if you missed it! [h2][b]RPG Maker Unite - Related Links[/b][/h2] [list] [*]RPG Maker Series Portal Site: [url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Unite Official Site: [url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Unite Twitter(JPN):[url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Unite Twitter(ENG):[url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Dev Account (JPN): [url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Blog (JPN) :[url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #1 (March 25): [url=][/url] [*]RPG Maker Unite Steam Page:[url=][/url] [/list]