Ever since the announcement of RPG Maker Unite character animation specs in May and some default character animation samples, users were extremely quick to recognize that they seem to be converted from 3D Characters. That is absolutely correct! To assist users in making 2D animations easier, today we would like to proudly introduce our powerful mini-app “3D Character Converter”! [h1][b]■Make Character Walking Animation and Battle Animation with Just a Few Clicks! [/b][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/963cb2d952cfe16a2e13ea5f53936355d5621004.png[/img] Since the Character Animation Data has changed drastically in RPG Maker Unite, RPG Maker Unite will not have a default Character Generator like in previous titles. However, due to Unity having great compatibility with VRM, a very popular 3D character format, we too, adopted VRM models and converted them into our default character’s animation images! Due to this reason, we are developing the 3D Character Converter to enable all users doing something similar, through just a few mouse clicks! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/d6ac45c283e765f88ce45d691dc54359dc6f0264.gif[/img] Import VRM Models and Export into 2D Animation Asset Images! Fine-Tune by Selecting Different Frames! (Above walking animation is 6 frames) [h2][b]■Free for RPG Maker Unite users! Also Available as a Separate Purchase! [/b][/h2] Since the 3D Character Converter is an external app outside of RPG Maker Unite, it could be purchased separately. However, all RPG Maker Unite users are able to download it for free! Also it is worth noting that despite the converter being made with RPG Maker Unite in mind, it is possible to select other resolutions too! It is totally fine for users using the 3D Character Converter for other purposes as well. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41957561/4cbf393087fd31282323c3550823fdaf1292368e.png[/img] The “RPG Maker Unite” setting outputs into files similar to that of the default RMU assets. Users can also select other resolutions like 48x48、64x64、128x128、256x256 for other uses! Since the recent advent of VR games and Vtubers, VRM character models have become extremely popular within the game creation community, and countless extraordinary 3D models have been born. Users can either use existing VRM models available on the internet, or convert their own custom VRM models for 2D game uses! Let’s make good use of available VRM models or your own characters and make the most unique RPG adventure for them! [h2][b]■5th Dev Log and Fan Q&A![/b][/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3373776723232833370 Dev Log #5 will be mainly about how Parallax Mapping and Large Objects, introduced in our last news announcement, will work in RPG Maker Unite. Please definitely pay a visit if you are interested in finding out more! [h2][b]RPG Maker Unite - Related Links[/b][/h2] ・RPG Maker Unite Official Site: http://rpgmakerunite.com/en/ ・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(JPN):https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUniteJP ・RPG Maker Unite Twitter(ENG):https://twitter.com/RPGMakerUnite ・RPG Maker Dev Account (JPN): https://twitter.com/tkool_dev ・RPG Maker Blog (JPN) :https://rpgtkool.hatenablog.com/ ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #1 (FHD Support and New UI/UX): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3092290332420726164 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #2 (Outline Editor): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/4996189706098265131 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #3 (Char Anime / Tile Groups / Graphical Specs): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/3181242290510188241 ・RPG Maker Unite Dev Log #4 (Switch Lines / Event and Progress Control) https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1650950/view/5112163099081905321