[b][h1]Changelog[/h1][/b] [h2][b]Game[/b][/h2] [h3]🚀 Features[/h3] [list] [*] [b](Skin clipping adjustments)[/b] Implemented in-house Clipping Fix solution [*] [b](Maker)[/b] Added gloves clothing category [*] [b](Cards)[/b] Added more safeguards to saving character, outfit and studio cards to prevent softlocking if one of the assigned objects is malfunctioning [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] [b](UI)[/b] Hide ui shortcut now only works in studio and maker [/list] [h3]🐛 Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] [b](Material Customizer)[/b] Internal use properties are no longer shown [*] [b](Material Customizer)[/b] Resolved some cases where exporting UVs outputted nothing due to very shifted UVs [*] [b](Maker)[/b] Entering maker with a preset that uses FKIK poses no longer enables both Animation and FKIK at the same time [*] [b](Shaders)[/b] Fixes wrong ViewDirection calculation in depthNormals pass [*] [b](Shaders)[/b] Cutout transparency has been fixed [*] [b](Accessories)[/b] Fixed incorrect default rings positions and angles [*] [b](UI)[/b] Fixes to input on textboxes with decimal point support [/list]