[h1]🎯 Sunday Devlog 22: Closing In[/h1] Yo! We have a surprising amount to cover in this dev log, so let's get right to it! [h2]Improved Album Deco[/h2] [b]The deco update has now come to the individual albums![/b] I wanted to make something that both added personality to the albums without being too distracting. I ended up settling on scrolling background elements, and I think they do a lot to help enhance the feel of an album! Here are some of them: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/a71b287412159e4fbdfdd3590583ec208dacf610.gif[/img] [i]Bonus points if you recognize the logo in Rift![/i] With this improvement, the visual overhauls are largely done with this update. The galaxy map and all the deco has taken a while, but I do think it has been worth it. The game feels a lot less like a "music list" and a little more like an adventure! I was originally a little idea-numb when "galaxy map" won the popular vote for a level select overhaul, but I'm very, very glad it did in hindsight [i](even if it made this update take way longer lmao)[/i]. [h2]Controller Menu Progress[/h2] Some more progress has been made with the controller menu - there are now [b]options to swap the slash types[/b] for the buttons you'd use for slashing! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/66880ea060d217437580aaffa7f592025f1f017a.gif[/img] Just a disclaimer: [b]You won't be able to fully rebind everything[/b], so you won't be able to, say, make X restart a level, or make the start button trigger a positive slash. This is mainly to help the update go faster and because very little people would want any more customization than swapping the slash types [i](except for joystick inversion.. that may be added too)[/i]. If popular demand requests that more robust button mapping should be added, it will in a future update, however. With that said, there is more you can now remap on the other type of controller: [h2]Upgraded Keybindings Screen[/h2] The keybinding screen has been upgraded in two ways: first, [b]you can now bind restarting and exiting a file![/b] The buttons to do these were a little strange, and I must say that they did disrupt game flow, so the defaults have been adjusted slightly, and you can now adjust them yourself. Enjoy! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/b74e1bdb8a8e874378a25cbdaf5d6467a498ef8f.gif[/img] You may also notice that [b]you can bind more keys[/b] now, too! Support for mapping Tab, Caps, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Backspace, Esc & Enter have all been added. Why you would ever want to bind Esc to positive slashing or Caps for restarting a file is beyond me, but it ended up arriving due to needing to rebind Backspace, and it was extremely easy to add binding support for the other non-alphabetical/numerical keys. [h2]Other News[/h2] Lastly, a more robust audio system is being developed for the engine. This means that [b]Pausing[/b] and [b]Level Editors[/b] are guaranteed for updates [b]1.3[/b] and [b]2.0[/b], respectively! This is big news to the team, because the engine development is external to us and we don't control it. We wish god speed to Grazer, the developer of the game's engine. Anyway, thanks for following the development as always. I dunno if next dev log will have as much stuff since a lot of projects for my classes are closing in, but it's been really fun adding all of this stuff and I hope we can get controller menu navigation up and running soon. Until next time! [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]