[h1]🌠 Sunday Devlog 12: Final Plans[/h1] Welcome back! The game releases in about three weeks from now, so let's talk about some of the plans for the full release of the game and provide another development update. [h2]Release plans[/h2] As the storepage states, the game will release on August 19, 2024 [i](the exact date may vary based on your timezone, but it's as soon as the day starts in US Central time)[/i]. The final game will have [b]seven [/b]albums. They have varying amounts of songs, but it's most important to note that [b]the same substance is put into each album[/b]. What this means is that longer albums will have easier songs, and shorter albums will have harder ones. I won't disclose the exact song names, but below is a list of every album in the final game. [h3]Albums in the final game[/h3] These albums are laid out using this template: Name - Artist name - Average difficulty The first four albums contain music made [b]specifically for this game[/b]. [list] [*][b]Main [/b]- Logan Kinoshota - Balanced [*][b]Sweets [/b]- ThatBoxLion - Difficult [*][b]Dreams [/b]- Prism4ticturtle - Easy [*][b]Drive [/b]- Logan Kinoshita - Balanced [*][b]Bits [/b]- Ko0x - Easy [*][b]Rift [/b]- Mordi [i](& others)[/i] - Balanced [*][b]Omega [/b]- Kry.exe - Very Difficult [/list] Most of these albums will be unlocked by beating levels in the first album, [b]Main[/b]. The only exception is the [b]Omega[/b] album, which requires the [b]Sweets[/b] album to be completed prior. I want to take this moment to extend a huge amount of gratitude to the artists behind these albums - the first four contain music made specifically for the game, and I am VERY grateful to have everyone's permission to use the music in the game! This game would not be what it is without everyone's contributions and generosity, and I'm confident the music selected will make this a genuinely fun rhythm game. [h2]Features in 1.0[/h2] The features the game will have are largely similar to what's listed on the storepage, so here are things that are planned and not planned for the full release. [list] [*][b]Planned[/b]: Character customization [*][b]Possible[/b]: Characters unlocked based on albums beaten [*][b]Planned[/b]: Custom keybindings [*][b]Planned[/b]: Steam Cloud support [*][b]Not planned[/b]: Level Editor [*][b]Not planned[/b]: Controller support [/list] A lot of the framework and coding for the character customization and keybinding is already done, so these features should be speedy to implement! [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/9a0825e6a101a48db2e33fdad3bc19cd0d8523ea.png[/img] That'll be it for this devlog - a lot of the work done this week has been mapping the levels, so I can't share too much of it, but progress on them has been accelerating greatly! Thanks for reading as always :). [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]