[h1]📈 Sunday Devlog 11: Store Page Mk-II[/h1] Hey! The Steam page was upgraded, more progress has been made, and some other stuff has happened. Let's talk about it in this dev log! [h2]The new storepage[/h2] There were a couple things wrong with the old storepage, including: - The trailer didn't explain the game too much and just threw bright gameplay at you - The page overall didn't have much color variety - "fun for all" sounded a bit strange - The discord button was too tall and needed to be "expanded" to be seen properly - Screenshots don't show some of the new/improved features In light of this, all of these things have been fixed! I mainly used screenshots from album 2 and 3, since they are the most completed ones so far, and converted their backgrounds to vector art so I can use them in promo materials. When it comes to making promotional assets in anything, making art in vector programs is very important in a lot of cases. Basically, instead of all of your images being stored as pixels like most image editors, vector programs store your things as shapes. This means that you can scale stuff up and down infinitely without things getting blurry, which is great when you need to make large images. [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/9fee533960d8f62546d8e3263e1feee7f5913515.png[/img] [i]This is what all of the assets look like in the folder. This includes the logos, some text templates, the backgrounds and key art![/i] I also recorded a bunch of footage for the new trailer. and I ended up learning a new video editing software to make it, due to animation issues explained a few logs ago. It was frustrating to learn [i](why is most software like this?)[/i], but after getting the hang of it, we have a brand new trailer that shows off the new effects and the release date! [previewyoutube=FZMapcleWOQ;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] The only thing left to do at this point is to make a press kit that can be sent to influencers, which also means making a website page for the game. After that, the game will be ready to send off to streamers and youtubers! [h2]State of the game[/h2] In addition to this, more work has been done to add the new albums to the game. I got the green light from yet another artist, meaning the game will have 7 albums at minimum. A lot of this stuff is under heavy construction, but we'll be able to show a lot more of it off next log :). I would also like to note: it is very likely the final game will have 7 albums, as opposed to the previous 8. The main concern is that there isn't quite enough time to make the beatmaps for 8 albums - however, with the new store page done, all that's left is the website and press kit before I can do basically nothing but make the new albums and songs. We have a pretty awesome roster of music laid out for the game and I can't wait to talk more about it next log. Till then! :) [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]