[h1]✅ Sunday Devlog 13: Checked Boxes[/h1] Yo! The game has reached feature completion, and now the only work left to do is mapping the last batch of songs. Let's go over what's been added to the game since last week! [h2]Knock Knock[/h2] Last Monday, Steam knocked at my digital doorstep [i](email)[/i] to inform me that they'd like me to submit a game build as soon as possible for review. Thus, this week was mostly spent working on the features in the final game, as well as new level beatmaps. [h2]Custom Keybinds[/h2] The full version [i](and the demo soon)[/i] will allow you to set custom keybinds for player controls! Additionally, you can also swap left and right click for weapon slashing now. Two keys for each slash type should be enough for this kind of game, but more keys per slash type can be done if people request it post-release. [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/a7849137a71b0d58188a9986ca08d82f149d715d.png[/img] [h2]New Skins[/h2] You can now choose between a variety of skins and weapons! ThatBoxLion helped with the art process on this one and I can't thank her enough for her help. In the end, we made 7 new skins and weapons for the player to choose from. There's a pirate with a cutlass, a rockstar with a guitar, a knight with a broadsword and many more :). [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/64393dc33ce4b0200516a40e5c9dec1902f8c557.png[/img] [h2]More Backgrounds[/h2] I'm not going to show everything due to spoilers, but all the backgrounds for the new albums have been completed. The three backgrounds added took one whole day to make, but they were very fun to work on! [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/cddb06286a51f07145c532a19b49f75b861e5c26.png[/img] [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/a402e72d776c748b17b3c0f0e78027bdd7edba80.png[/img] [h2]Coming Up..[/h2] Now that all features intended for the final version are done, and the backgrounds are done, full focus will be directed towards mapping the tracks for the game. There is a decent amount to do, but despite the annoying process of making the tracks, doing it is more fun the longer I keep at it, so everything is on track for release in August 19. These final two weeks are going to be a little hectic but that's how it is with game dev sometimes. Since I have very little in my way at this point, a lot of tracks are going to get done this week. Stay tuned! [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]