[h1]šŸ§­ Monday Devlog 15: Let's Talk About the Level Editor[/h1] Hey! It's been a bit since I started writing these. As it turns out, moving to college and re-adjusting can throw off your flow. But I'm more grounded now, and ready to talk about the future of the game. Let's get to it! [h2]Upcoming features[/h2] We very recently [i]([url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2988830/view/4590944278947935340?l=english]yesterday[/url])[/i] launched [b]update 1.1[/b], which overhauled the calibration system, fixed up bugs and made a couple more minor changes. [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/ab41270bdf10b8a39d552dceedece2e87287a956.png[/img] These kinds of updates are going to continue, and their general theme will be "here's a big thing!" and then "here's a couple smaller and random stuff we did, too". Some of these "big things", in no particular order, are: [b] - Controller support - Parser/sword skin importing - Big changes to keybinding/level & stage select/other menus[/b] There are also a lot of smaller things that won't really be the headline of an update, but we do want to [i](and will)[/i] add. These sort of small/medium updates are planned to be done over the next 1 to 2 months, to help get the game's quality up to standard for [b]the big thing...[/b] [h2]The level editorā„¢[/h2] The [b]2.0 update[/b] that will launch the level editor will come with much more than just the level editor, but that sort of stuff is better to reveal when the update arrives rather than right now. Now, it's no secret that making a level editor will be a massive undertaking. There are [i]all sorts of challenges - how do you make a user interface that is as code-efficient as possible? How do you make something that is user friendly and not a pain to use? How do you cram all of the level data into one text package that can be sent around? Does copyright need to get involved?[/i] However, despite all of this, a level editor [b]will[/b] be made for the game. People genuinely enjoy the gameplay, and we've learnt this over the past eight months. Making a level editor would open up a world of possibilities, potentials blah blah bl- [h3][b]Ok but what can we expect from it?[/b][/h3] Generally, the level editor will come with all the basic stuff an editor needs, you know, the note placing, the song importing, the BPM selecting, etc. However, some things that are also being implemented into it include: - Uploading custom background assets to replace the ingame ones - 3 subdivisions per beat support [i](all songs in the game are 4 subdivisions)[/i] - oh wait. - I probably shouldn't list that right now.. - hmm.. Ok, yeah. Honestly, there are a lot of things that are better revealed during the start of the level editor open beta than right now. Our excuse is that all of the super fancy and awesome stuff will compel people to make levels for the game more if they're revealed all at once, lol. We promise it will be worth it, though :) [h2]Wrapping up..[/h2] I need to take a quick moment to thank everyone who has bought the game and tried the demo!! After the Steam Rhythm Fest, wishlists shot up by quite a lot, and so did demo plays. It's kind of crazy seeing the numbers and thinking about how many people have experienced this labor of love born from a game jam back in the cold winters in January. Thanks so much! Weekly devlogs are going to start up again [i](sorry this one was on Monday!)[/i], and they probably won't be that long due to well, college lol. But I'm excited to get back to writing them, as well as working on this game and going through the next chapter in its life. [b]The demo is also going to get a long overdue update in a couple days[/b]. See you in a week :). [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]