[h1]📏 Sunday Devlog 19: Mapping It Out[/h1] Hello again! We've finished the hyper-internet map and have controller input detection now - let's talk about it in this devlog! [h2]The Hyper-Internet Map[/h2] The new galaxy map is now done! Here's a short clip of it because of all the moving parts. [img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/45057857/3f12a25c664a706528f17fa2eda0d5a9303852e5.gif[/img] I had a lot of fun decorating it and it definitely helps make the "world" of the game feel more alive. There will also be decorations added inside albums, but those are still a work-in-progress :) [h2]Controller Detection[/h2] I can't believe it's taken this much effort, but after installing a couple drivers, controllers can now speak to the game! There's still not an interfacing system yet, but there's a new setting in the options menu for controllers and it'll be talked about more next devlog. Thanks for staying tuned! I've been kind of all over the place the past couple weeks, including a game jam last weekend and a bunch of big assignments popping out of nowhere. I'm trying to ground myself with habits like working on the game for at minimum an hour per day since a couple days ago. and that should allow these devlogs to get bigger again. Here's to hoping! [i]-Encabulated Games[/i]