Hello chasers ! This month has been focused on CONTENT ! We worked really hard to integrate a great amount of car customisation, character customisation, and put all this content in our game shop. [h1]Car Customisation[/h1] We’ve shown progression on our car models in the last few updates, the models are now all integrated in-game, purchasable and ready to equip via the in-game garage. Here is what is looks like : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/7956f2fd29468d1fe7db9465066da3e7276cc9e3.gif[/img] [h1]Character Customisation[/h1] Our character modelers continued to deliver some amazing content and we continued the work to bring this content to life in OUTBRK. We now have our final playable character roster for Early Access. They also have customisation options such as hairs and clothes. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/3711d62fdb9c672468d7bb992beef267d23f0400.png[/img] Here is the progress on our in-game character customisation menu : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/d423f23b65fd2aef51601cf796a84b30748d1458.gif[/img] We have also worked on integrating and polishing our in-game animations to correctly fit the new characters : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/df58028ab50a28ceb97853ad2340546a2c3b6b56.gif[/img] [h1]Technical Progress[/h1] Good progress was made on the game stability of our multiplayer feature. The addition of more content caused some expected issues that we were able to swiftly resolve. We also had a significant breakthrough on fixing a networking issue where other players’ cars could be seen teleporting around that took months to find the source and it seems to be resolved for good and we’re very happy about that. [h1]Next Steps[/h1] Next steps are to continue adding more content, we have 2 more cars and a couple more 3D models on the way. Work on the world building is also ready to resume in full force. Lastly, we’re ironing out our steam pipeline to support more players in our next playtests and fixing more multiplayer issues to give players a nice gameplay experience. That's all for this development update ! Please keep Wishlisting the game on Steam, as it helps us break through the visibility algorithm and reach potential new chasers! If you haven't already, Wishlist OUTBRK here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1107320/OUTBRK/ Till next time, chasers. -The OUTBRK Team