Welcome back chasers! The month of February always flies by, but even so, we've made some solid progress this month on world detailing, adding in vehicle accessories, and what everybody is excited about, preparing for the upcoming larger-scale playtest! We've been hinting at this playtest for about three months and we're excited to share that we're preparing to finalize sign-ups and logistics. We’ll be sharing more details in this newsletter! [h1]WORLD DETAILING[/h1] The world of OUTBRK is massive with several distinct regions along with their unique biomes and assets that make the world expansive and believable. With a world that's larger than Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto V, and many more games, there's a tremendous amount of work to do. Here are some screenshot of the work that has been completed this month : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/1ef536dd6b7839a7e63f11df639d0d1b61fe0943.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/4f0f05dd7f52ee5a3459453e8c52945a84afdc14.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/416eaf4efabee331416e724c983df27018c56280.jpg[/img] You can follow the progress on this [url=https://trello.com/c/ZfqZaMhO/381-world-design-3rd-pass]Trello Task[/url]. [h1]NEW PLAYABLE CAR AND NEW ACCESSORIES[/h1] As we look ahead to the next playtest, we're excited to have the sedan “Tradition” ready to chase in OUTBRK! Players have previously played only as the SUV and in our upcoming test we're excited to have players test out the Tradition for the first time. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/cb0fdb5de5bccc0dab70fb3a67dddef45670a578.png[/img] This month we also integrated new hail cages models to fit all the cars we plan to have for early access. Here is what they look like in-game : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36906632/7febc3f7fbc1471892e94ef7e0eb92374722e99d.png[/img] [h1]PLAYTEST SIGN-UP IS HERE ![/h1] As we mentioned already, we've been able to resolve the blockers that were still lingering from the Unity upgrade. We had been troubleshooting both some matchmaking/server joining errors and making sure that servers and game data are accurately in-sync for all players in-game. We’re happy to finally announce that our next playtest will be held on March 18th and March 19th starting at 19h00 EST. All sign-up and additional information related to the playtest will be found in our dedicated [url=https://discord.com/channels/432924088156291072/1079955412939456553/1079955751189090364]Discord Channel[/url]. All the playtests will be coordinated only on Discord to facilitate the procedures. And as a general reminder, this will be the structure of the playtests: [list] [*] 2 nights of playtest sessions. [*] 50 players maximum in each “pool” of players. [*] Approximately 8-10 players per server as scheduled. [*] First round for those who have previously playtested. [*] Second round with any players who have not previously played. Priority will be given to kickstarter backers that could not participate in the session back and March 2022. [/list] Our team is so excited for this next playtest. It will be the largest playtest we've held yet and we anticipate it to be invaluable for our planning in regard to next steps and of course, Early Access and release timelines! Stay up to date with our [url=https://trello.com/b/nsBmMfIa/outbrk-game]Trello page[/url] and be sure to keep an eye on our Discord. Until next time! -The OUTBRK Team