New Prestige Class: Dragon Disciple An arcane spellcaster who has embraced his latent draconic heritage and, over the course of training and devotion, undergoes a partial transformation into a dragon. As some of the most ancient, powerful, and capricious creatures in existence, dragons occasionally enter into trysts with unsuspecting mortals or sire offspring with exceptional individuals. Every child of this union unto the thousandth generation claims a bit of dragon blood, be it ever so small. Likewise, the great power wielded by these creatures has long intrigued wizards and alchemists who have sought various magical methods to infuse their bodies with draconic power. As a result, the blood of dragons runs through the veins of many races. For some, this heritage manifests as a sorcerous bloodline and a predilection for magic; for others, however, the power of their draconic ancestors becomes an obsession. Spellcasters who embrace their draconic heritage and learn to channel their abilities can become dragon disciples, fearsome warriors who possess not only the repertoire of an accomplished sorcerer but also the ability to unleash the furious power of dragons upon their foes. As dragon disciples discover the power of their forebears, they can learn to breathe fire, take flight on leathery wings, and—at the pinnacle of their abilities—assume the form of a dragon. Base Classes: Most dragon disciples are barbarians, fighters, or rangers who have dabbled as sorcerers or bards. Occasionally, a serious spellcaster explores the path to further a goal of finding out more about his draconic heritage, though at the expense of most of his arcane studies. Clerics and druids rarely choose to become dragon disciples. Already adept at magic, many pursue adventure, especially if it furthers their goal of finding out more about their draconic heritage. Role: With the magic of a spellcasting class at their disposal, dragon disciples can assume the typical role of a magic-user, hampering the movement of the enemy and hurling damage-dealing spells at their opponents. Dragon disciples draconic abilities, however, make these versatile spellcasters even more formidable, as they use their breath weapons and flight to destroy their foes directly. Alignment: Those dragon disciples that assume the traits of chromatic dragons, such as bestial white and fearsome red dragons, have a proclivity for evil. Conversely, those that take after the metallic dragons, such as stoic brass and chivalric gold dragons, are often of good alignments. Non-adventurers: Dragon disciples prefer a life of exploration to a cloistered existence. Dragon disciples are drawn to areas known to harbor dragons. Although they are rare, dragon disciples can be found in any land where dragons interact with mortals. Prerequisites: Race: Any nondragon (cannot already be a half-dragon). Languages: Draconic. Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks. Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation. Class Features: Level Limit: 10. Hit Dice: d12. Base Attack Bonus: Average. Good Saves: Fortitude, Will. Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution. Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Knowledge, Listen, Profession, Search, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot. Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier. Weapon Proficiency: None. Armor Proficiency: None. Bonus Feats: Gains an extra feat every 4 levels after 10th level (14, 18...). Class Abilities: Natural Armor Increase At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, a dragon disciple gains an increase to his existing natural armor (if any). As his skin thickens, a dragon disciple takes on more and more of his progenitor’s physical aspect. Bonus Spells Dragon disciples gain bonus spells as they gain levels in this prestige class, as if from having a high ability score. A bonus spell can be added to any level of spells the disciple already has the ability to cast. If a character has more than one spellcasting class, he must decide to which class he adds each bonus spell as it is gained. Once a bonus spell has been applied, it cannot be shifted. Ability Boost As a dragon disciple gains levels in this prestige class, his ability scores increase. These increases stack and are gained as if through level advancement. Claws and Bite At 2nd level, a dragon disciple gains claw and bite attacks if he does not already have them. Use the values below or the disciple’s base claw and bite damage values, whichever are greater. Size Bite Damage Claw Damage Small 1d4 1d3 Medium 1d6 1d4 Large 1d8 1d6 A dragon disciple is considered proficient with these attacks. When making a full attack, a dragon disciple uses his full base attack bonus with his bite attack but takes a –5 penalty on claw attacks. The Multiattack feat reduces this penalty to only –2. Breath Weapon At 3rd level, a dragon disciple gains a minor breath weapon. The type and shape depend on the dragon variety whose heritage he enjoys (see below). Regardless of the ancestor, the breath weapon deals 2d8 points of damage of the appropriate energy type. At 7th level, 10th level, 13th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 2d8. Regardless of its strength, the breath weapon can be used only once per day. Use all the rules for dragon breath weapons except as specified here. The DC of the breath weapon is 10 + dragon disciple level + Con modifier. A line-shaped breath weapon is 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 60 feet long. A cone-shaped breath weapon is 30 feet long. Dragon Variety* Breath Weapon Black Line of acid Blue Line of lightning Green Cone of corrosive gas (acid) Red Cone of fire White Cone of cold Brass Line of fire Bronze Line of lightning Copper Line of acid Gold Cone of fire Silver Cone of cold * Other varieties of dragon disciple are possible, using other dragon varieties as ancestors. Wings At 9th level, a dragon disciple grows a set of draconic wings. He may now fly at a speed equal to his normal land speed. Dragon Apotheosis At 10th level, a dragon disciple takes on the half-dragon template. His breath weapon becomes more powerful, and he gains +4 to Strength and +2 to Charisma. His natural armor bonus increases to +4, and he acquires low-light vision, 60-foot darkvision, immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, and immunity to the energy type used by his breath weapon. Auto Gained Abilities: Lv 1 Natural Armor Increase +1, Bonus Spells +1 Lv 2 Ability Boost: Str +2, Claws and Bite, Bonus Spells +2 Lv 3 Breath Weapon +2d8 Lv 4 Ability Boost: Str +4, Natural Armor Increase +2, Bonus Spells +3 Lv 5 Blindsense 30 ft., Bonus Spells +4 Lv 6 Ability Boost: Con +2, Bonus Spells +5 Lv 7 Breath Weapon +4d8, Natural Armor Increase +3 Lv 8 Ability Boost: Int +2, Bonus Spells +6 Lv 9 Wings, Bonus Spells +7 Lv10 Dragon Apotheosis, Natural Armor Increase +4, Breath Weapon +6d8, Blindsense 60 ft. New Options for Combat Difficulty: Monsters have enchanted weapons Monsters have enchanted armor Monsters have more wondrous items New Optional House Rules: When calculate HP, Con modifier up to 10 Breath Weapon: +2 uses per day Breath Weapon: DC = 10 + character level / 2 + Con modifier Removed: Monsters: random enchantments for magic weapons (+5 modifications of house rules for old saves) Adjusted and Optimized Fear-related Spells: Remove Fear You instill courage in the subject, granting it a +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 10 minutes. If the subject is under the influence of a fear effect when receiving the spell, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the spell. Cause Fear The affected creature becomes frightened for 1d4 rounds. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is shaken for 1 round. Scare This spell functions like cause fear, but affects multiple targets. Fear An invisible cone of terror causes each living creature in the area to become panicked for 1d4 rounds. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is shaken for 1 round. If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. Others: As the monk level increases, her unarmed strikes have more attacks (1 extra attack at 6th, 14th and 18th) and damage. Shields no longer provide Reflex bonus Adjusted Sleep duration: 3 -> 1d4 rounds Increased cool-down of Clockwork Servant's Repair: 2 -> 3 rounds Added random option to Refresh Challenges Always show trained skills in character skill list Show learned languages on right side of character skill list Learn more languages via Speak Language skill Show enhanced existing abilities on level-up result UI Optimized quantity and difficulty of arena challenges Optimized enchantments order after re-enchanting Optimized encounter difficulty of Escort quest Optimized monster/license icons of resource sites Optimized some condition icons Optimized some UIs Optimized mouse wheel scrolling, etc. Fixed: may attack enemies when charmed Fixed: range of spray/cone-shaped burst exceeds max area Next, we'll work on (rough list): Adventure mode, more prestige classes (Eldritch Knight, Duelist, Elemental Lord), player races (Lizard Scion, Gnoll), feats and spells, etc. Note: If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in this announcement or send to (attach your saves if necessary: game folder/saves).