[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/15fbca250522171a88c252321a3df7eb33e19c0f.jpg[/img] [h2]Attack Bonus Increases:[/h2] A character's attack bonus increases in different ways before and after 20th character level. [h3]Base Attack Bonus (BAB):[/h3] Before 20th level (including 20th), based on class or creature type, a character’s BAB is equal to his level (good as fighter), or 3/4 (average as cleric), or 1/2 (poor as wizard). At 20th level, good BAB is equal to +20, average BAB is equal to +15, and poor BAB is equal to +10. For a multiclass character, the BAB for each class are cumulative. At BAB +6, +11 and +16, the character gains an extra attack each, but each extra attack has a BAB 5 lower than the previous one, and extra attacks are only for full attack actions. [h3]At 20th level:[/h3] Good BAB: 4 attacks with BAB +20/+15/+10/+5; Average BAB: 3 attacks with BAB +15/+10/+5; Poor BAB: 2 attacks with BAB +10/+5; [h3]Epic Attack Bonus:[/h3] After 20th level, a character’s BAB and attacks do not increase. However, he does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all attack rolls every odd-numbered level after 20th (+1 at 21th, +2 at 23th, ...). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/82766c1102c0b434f7e6b5e1421f0ebdd00ef1fd.jpg[/img] [h2]Save Bonus Increases:[/h2] A character's save bonus increases in different ways before and after 20th character level. [h3]Base Save Bonus:[/h3] Before 20th level (including 20th), different classes or creature types have different good saves: one or more saves are higher than others. A few classes or creature types are good at all saves. Good save bonus = class level / 2 + 2; Poor save bonus = class level / 3; At 20th level, good save bonus is equal to +12 and poor save bonus is equal to +6. For a multiclass character, the base save bonuses for each class are cumulative. [h3]Epic Save Bonus:[/h3] After 20th level, a character’s base save bonus does not increase. However, he does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all saving throws every even-numbered level after 20th (+1 at 22th, +2 at 24th, ...). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/4904ed220be98611c65f1b68bee441422d5d461e.jpg[/img] [h2]Adjusted Class Weapon Proficiencies:[/h2] Fighter, barbarian, paladin, ranger, ogre characters: proficient with all simple and martial weapons Fighter, barbarian, paladin, ranger, cleric: removed initial military weapon group selection Fixed: when a character is already proficient with all weapons related to a weapon proficiency feat, the feat is still learnable Fixed: wrong weapon proficiency in wizard's non-rule description [h2]House Rules Related:[/h2] New feature: Set house rules based on default rules of Low Magic Age. New feature: Set house rules based on OGL/SRD 3.5 rules (i.e. uncheck all). New feature: Discard current modifications. Optimizedd House Rules UI +1 bonus to all abilities per 10 character levels: off by default (+2 modifications of House Rules for old saves) [h3]New Optional House Rules:[/h3] Armor Class: + character level / 2 Spell DC: + character level / 2 Initiative: + character level / 2 Save Bonus Increases: change to + character level / 2 Attack Bonus Increases: change to + character level / 2 Attack Bonus Increases: poor -> average Attack Bonus Increases: extra attacks [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/4c39b650adaee59e8e814b7f4304a0c49b8663b9.jpg[/img] [h2]Spell Resistance Related:[/h2] Spell resistances from all sources do not stack and only the highest value is retained. [h3]Adjusted Spell Resistance of Monsters:[/h3] Solo : 5 -> 11 + level Elite : 2 -> 0 [h3]Adjusted Spell Resistance Enchantments:[/h3] Spell Resistance : 2 -> 5 + 5 x Magic Bonus Greater Spell Resistance : 4 -> 7 + 5 x Magic Bonus Extraordinary Spell Resistance : 6 -> 9 + 5 x Magic Bonus [h3]Related Items:[/h3] Magic armor Magic shields Cloak of Spell Resistance Higher Cloak of Spell Resistance Extraordinary Cloak of Spell Resistance Mage Robe Robe of the Spellcaster Robe of the Arcanist Robe of the Archmage [h2]Adjusted Turn Resistance of Following Monsters:[/h2] Skeletal Champion : 5 -> 4 Zombie Lord : 5 -> 4 Ghoul : 0 -> 2 Vampire : 5 -> 4 Vampire Lord : 5 -> 8 Lich : 5 -> 8 Demilich : 5 -> 12 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/8c73ee4d5915131ae17b0408529ac175716b9d45.jpg[/img] [h2]Others:[/h2] Adjusted natural weapons: A creature applies its full Strength bonus on damage rolls with its primary natural weapons, or 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus if the creature has only one primary natural weapon (for example, a wolf’s bite). A creature applies 1/2 its Strength bonus on damage rolls with its secondary natural weapons. Reduced enchantment rates of monsters' weapons Bonus HP by size for construct creatures Initiative check: add lower abilities compensation, remove level bonus by default Optimized initial equipment of some classes and builds Fixed: class skills bug when Lizardfolk, Ogre, Troll characters level-up Racial Hit Dice Fixed: success rate bug of Disruption enchantment and Disrupting Weapon spell Fixed: magic bonus bug when craft shields or Cloak of Resistance Fixed: Dire bear -> Dire boar in Summon Nature's Ally level-4 list Fixed: monk's weapon bug when specify ammunition New feature: Character List (right-click on character portrait to open) Optimized character creation/level-up UI Optimized character panel tips Optimized display order of some feats Optimized display order of some skills Optimized BAB related descriptions of classes, creature types, multiclass characters and combat maneuvers, etc. Optimized description of multiclass characters Optimized and fixed description of Sneak Attack Fixed: ranged attack cursor bug with Improved Precise Shot Encyclopedia: Attack Bonus Increases Encyclopedia: Save Bonus Increases Encyclopedia: Table: Attack Bonus and Save Bonus Increases [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/033b0049821efe9d2ccec3f38614267655006e25.jpg[/img] [b]Note:[/b] This update adjusted some core rules and changed combat rhythm and experience significantly. If you are not comfortable with these changes or prefer the original game experience, you may adjust the house rules or play the previous version v0.91.53 - No BAB. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/ff41061b33ce33f82ffcae1cfa60dc8ec1549538.png[/img] [h2]Next, we'll work on (rough list):[/h2] Some prestige classes (details TBD), new player races (Bugbear, Lizard Scion, Gnoll), more feats and spells, etc. [b]Note:[/b] If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in this announcement or send to support@lowmagicage.com (attach your saves if necessary: game folder/saves).