New Prestige Class: Blade Master A warrior who dedicated his life to the mastery of a single weapon. Class differences aside, adventurers usually have some sort of preference for weapons. Some prefer the heavy greatsword, others prefer the fine, handy rapier or kukri, but few have an obsession with a certain kind of weapon to the extent of blade masters. Blade masters focus their lifelong training on a single weapon (usually a sword), called favored weapon. Throughout his career, the blade master relentlessly seeks the mastery of the weapon, seeking to wield it without thought as any other limb, and ultimately to unite the weapon with the body, to make them one. Although the blade master can choose any weapon as his favored weapon, he usually selects a weapon from the sword category. Compared to other weapons, swords with high critical rates are more suitable for the blade masters special abilities. Base Classes: Most blade masters are fighters. Many of the blade masters class abilities are in the same vein as the fighters specific feats, and further perfected and sublimated. Characters of other combat classes can also benefit from this prestige class, but not as well suited as the fighter. Role: The blade master is the sharpest sword of a party, tearing apart the enemys formation and cutting off their leaders head. Compared to other combat classes, the blade master focuses more on offense than defense. Alignment: Blade masters can be of any alignment, but usually tend to be lawful, because the path to becoming a blade master requires strong concentration and self-discipline. Non-adventurers: Blade masters rarely appear in public, and spend most of their time alone in secluded places honing their skills. However, do not be mistaken that they have no communication with the outside world, training behind closed doors is never a good way to practice martial arts. In fact, most blade masters come from professional academies that have extensive communication with all walks of life, and only a few are trained individually under the tutelage of an established blade master. In addition, many blade masters are also famous swordsmiths, and like to forge their favored weapons with their own hands. Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus: +5. Skills: Jump 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks. Feats: Weapon Focus, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Expertise. Class Features: Level Limit: 10. Hit Dice: d10. Base Attack Bonus: Good. Good Saves: Reflex, Will. Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution. Class Skills: Jump, Balance, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot. Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier. Weapon Proficiency: None. Armor Proficiency: None. Bonus Feats: Gains an extra feat every 4 levels after 10th level (14, 18...). Class Abilities: Favored Weapon The blade master dedicated his life to the mastery of a single weapon (usually a sword), and his weapon related special abilities apply only when using that type of weapon. The blade master must be proficient in the weapon. Once chosen his destined weapon, the blade master cannot (and won't) change it. Favored Weapon Focus +1 bonus on attack rolls with the favored weapon. Favored Weapon Specialization +2 bonus on damage rolls with the favored weapon. Favored Weapon Mastery +10% critical rate of the favored weapon. This bonus is applied last, after any multipliers, such as those given by the Improved Critical feat or by keen weapons. Poised Strike If you do not take any attack action actively during this turn, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls when you attack with your favored weapon on your next turn. Back-edge Strike A combat style specially designed to overcome the damage reduction for sharp weapons. You can make attacks with a special part of your favored weapon: -4 penalty on attack rolls and the weapon damage type becomes bludgeoning, with a critical rate of 5% and a critical multiplier of x2. Improved Back-edge Strike The critical rate and critical multiplier are no longer changed when using Back-edge Strike. Extreme Strike When deal normal damage (not a critical hit) with the favored weapon, maximized the weapon base damage. This ability can be used once per day per blade master level. Infinite Strike When deal critical damage with the favored weapon, the critical multiplier increases by 1. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter (2, 4, 6...), the uses per day for this ability increases by 1. Sprint Whirlwind Attack Make a Whirlwind Attack as a standard action rather than a full-round action. Wind Walk +5 feet to land speed when not wearing heavy armor and not carrying a heavy load. Improved Wind Walk When not wearing heavy armor and not carrying a heavy load, you can shift to difficult terrain and the shift range on normal terrain increases by 5 feet. Auto Gained Abilities: Lv 1 Favored Weapon, Extreme Strike 1/day/lv Lv 2 Infinite Strike 1/day Lv 3 Favored Weapon Focus Lv 4 Back-edge Strike, Infinite Strike 2/day Lv 5 Favored Weapon Specialization Lv 6 Wind Walk, Infinite Strike 3/day Lv 7 Favored Weapon Mastery Lv 8 Poised Strike, Improved Back-edge Strike, Infinite Strike 4/day Lv 9 Improved Wind Walk Lv10 Sprint Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Strike 5/day Adjusted Distance Related Rules: Changed distance algorithm: from Euclidean Distance (1) to OGL 3.5 Distance (2), effects include: - Diagonal range of movement and actions increased - Threatened area of reach weapons increased 5-foot step can squeeze through enemies diagonally Optimized area of Sweeping Strikes/Greater Sweeping Strikes with reach weapons When attacking with weapons of different ranges, the attack range is based on the highest, ignoring out-of-range attacks when actually attacking Encyclopedia: Movement, Position, and Distance 1. Euclidean Distance: The euclidean distance from a character (a) to a square (b) = sqrt((a.x - b.x) ^ 2 + (a.y - b.y) ^ 2). 2. OGL 3.5 Distance: Horizontals and Verticals: Each horizontal or vertical counts as 1 square. Diagonals: The first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on. Exception: When measuring threatened squares of reach weapons, 2 squares of diagonal distance is measured as 2 squares. Difficult Terrain: Each square of difficult terrain counts as 2 squares of movement. Each diagonal move into a difficult terrain square counts as 3 squares. New Optional House Rules: Distance Algorithm: Euclidean Distance (unchecked: OGL 3.5 Distance) Blade Master: Remove prerequisites: Mobility, Combat Expertise Extreme Strike, Infinite Strike: daily uses continue to increase after level 10 Extreme Strike, Infinite Strike: one use per action (unchecked: one use per attack) House Rules Related Adjustments: Some house rules are more favorable to player characters. For balance, when such rules are enabled, enemies gain a bonus to attack rolls. When multiple rules are enabled, the total bonus is the maximum bonus, plus +1 bonus from each additional rule. Remove alignment restrictions of core/prestige classes -> merged to -> Remove alignment restrictions of classes Remove alignment restrictions of classes: +2 bonus to enemy's attack rolls -> +1 Optimized house rules UI (+5 modifications of house rules for old saves) Others: Optimized Auto-Replenish Ammunition: from replenishing all ammunition slots to according to ammunition before battle, and adding hints Optimized description format of feats, spells, special abilities, etc. Optimized some UIs Decreased trigger rate of Knockdown, Improved Knockdown: 25%,50% -> 10%,20% Adjusted combat menu: Attack of Opportunity and Cleave Use Smite Evil -> Improve Triggered Attacks: When making non-active attacks such as Attack of Opportunity and Cleave, also use abilities that have daily limit such as Smite Evil, Extreme Strike, and Infinite Strike. Some switch actions are on by default Switch actions remain on even uses out Show actual action required by the character on action description Removed "Critical Hit!" from floating damage text Fixed: too low level of creatures summoned by some multiclass spellcasters Fixed: one more BAB of racial HD characters without class Fixed: when troll's regeneration ability is suppressed, regeneration from magic items is also suppressed incorrectly Next, we'll work on (rough list): Some prestige classes (details TBD), new player races (Lizard Scion, Gnoll), more feats and spells, etc. Note: If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in this announcement or send to (attach your saves if necessary: game folder/saves).