[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/6992842f5474e798c8def8b7518ac649ab3dbef6.jpg[/img] [h1]New Class: Paladin[/h1] Divine power protects the paladin and gives her special powers. It wards off harm, protects her from disease, lets her heal herself, and guards her heart against fear. The paladin can also direct this power to help others, healing their wounds or curing diseases. Finally, the paladin can use this power to detect and destroy evil. [h2]Major Class Features:[/h2] [h3]Smite Evil[/h3] A paladin may attempt to smite evil with melee attacks. She adds her Cha bonus to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level. Uses per day: 1 + level / 5. [h3]Lay on Hands[/h3] A paladin with a Cha bonus can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Healing points per day: level x Cha bonus. The healing can be divided among several uses. This ability can also be used to strike undead: after a successful melee touch attack (doesn’t provoke AOs), the paladin can spend the points to deal damage to the undead. [h3]Detect Evil[/h3] A paladin can sense the presence of evil. [h3]Divine Grace[/h3] Gains a bonus equal to Cha bonus on all saving throws. [h3]Divine Health[/h3] Gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases. [h3]Aura of Courage[/h3] A paladin is immune to fear. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while the paladin is conscious. [h3]Spells[/h3] Beginning at 4th level, a paladin gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. [h3]New Pre-builds:[/h3] Paladin - Blade of Order, Hammer of Judgment (Old preset characters can be updated by clicking Reset button at the bottom right) (Adventurers with new builds in Adventure mode) [h3]New Optional House Rules:[/h3] Increase initial uses per day of Rage: 1 -> 3 Increase initial uses per week of Quivering Palm: 1 -> 3 Add level x (Wis bonus / 2) to healing points per day of Wholeness of Body Increase initial uses per day of Smite Evil: 1 -> 5 Add Cha bonus to healing points per day of Lay on Hands (+2 modifications of House Rules for old saves) [h3]Added classifications for special abilities of Rogue/Barbarian/Monk:[/h3] Spell-Like Ability Supernatural Ability Extraordinary Ability Added secret roll hint for "Situation unknown" when Listen fails Optimized animation effect of Wholeness of Body Optimized descriptions of some feats/abilities Optimized some French & Japanese text Fixed: Boars and other creatures can Deflect Arrows and even throw them back Fixed: Character Info UI -> Level Up -> Cancel -> Switch weapons or change equipment -> Crash Note: When you encountered a bug, please zip and send your saves (the game folder/saves) to support@lowmagicage.com. It's extremely useful for debugging.