[h2]50 New Spells:[/h2] Burning Hands Flame Strike Fire Storm Cone of Cold Freezing Sphere Polar Ray Shocking Grasp Sound Burst Shout Greater Shout Sunburst Vampiric Touch Horrid Wilting Circle of Death Undeath to Death Destruction Disintegrate Phantasmal Killer Weird Ray of Enfeeblement Poison Touch of Idiocy Feeblemind Enervation Energy Drain Daze Daze Monster Bless Bane Prayer Hideous Laughter Rage Good Hope Crushing Despair Power Word Blind Blindness/Deafness Remove Blindness/Deafness Ray of Exhaustion Waves of Fatigue Waves of Exhaustion Shield Other Protection from Arrows Stoneskin Resist Energy Protection from Energy Spell Resistance Blur Displacement Ethereal Jaunt Etherealness (Clerics of old saves will learn new spells available automatically. Other caster classes can learn new spells through level-up or retraining.) Single-target multiple attacks automatically switch to next target when current target dies Stop subsequent useless attacks when target dies Adjusted spell casting range: Close (3 -> 4 squares), Medium (7 -> 8 squares) Added new energy damage type: Sonic Removed critical hit and full attack bonus of spells and other non-weapon attacks Added Armor Class (Touch) and Armor Class (Flat-Footed) into AC tip of character panel Changed damage type of some death effects from negative energy to no type Adjusted miss damage of Slay Living/Finger of Death Added View Battle Log in adventure mode system menu Improved tips of some buttons and menus Added more prompts Added Limit FPS 60 option Added more damage dice display options Show damage dice by default in weapon/action description More detailed descriptions of conditions More accurate buff/debuff prompt of 6 abilities Highlighted action/item description text for better readability Show ammunition items by default when craft magic equipment Added guild/bank/... in city tip Optimized city tip Optimized text display for stable FPS Optimized item enchantment text Optimized condition/aura tips and logs Optimized some game terms Optimized some UI details Optimized some action animations Optimized audio and other options Fixed: Unarmed Attack by monk may trigger two-handed weapon knockdown Fixed: Dwarves no racial bonus when against wolf/werewolf's trip attacks Fixed: Some range values ​​are displayed incorrectly Fixed: The spirit state Cannot view other characters under ethereal condition Fixed: Use First Character Avatar option no effect in resource sites Fixed: Sometimes icons of material items in inventory are missing Fixed: Site refreshing bug when player in resource site/dungeon Fixed: Remnant preparation spells after retraining Fixed: Sorcerers in tavern sometimes have higher Int than Cha Fixed: Mithril armor proficiency bug Fixed: Focus issue of battlefield mouse zooming and character panel/scrollable windows scrolling Fixed: Middle mouse button on resource site spaces causes wrong plan operation Fixed: Incorrect daily uses of actions in help Fixed: Keyboard navigation in help may cause crash Fixed: Narrow tip in spell slot UI Fixed: Unreplaced text codes in town quests Fixed: Several English text errors Fixed: Several Simplified/Traditional errors Note: When you encountered a bug, please zip and send your saves (the game folder\saves) to support@lowmagicage.com. It's extremely useful for debugging.