[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27379329/c3e773f412a431f484d1603e3c0b24b1e9fc5f02.jpg[/img] New spellcasting mode: Spell Slots Optional House Rules when new game: - Spellcasting mode: Spell Slots (unchecked for Cool-down mode) - Set minimum spell slots of level-1 to 3 (to balance no level-0 spell slots) - +1 bonus to all abilities per 10 character levels (suitable for unlimited levels of Arena) House Rules modifications (2 times) for old games True Strike effect on weapon attacks and combat maneuvers only Set users for Listen and Search Optimized initial actions of action bar Increased minimum player level required for some monster encounters: - Human Archbishop: 5 -> 9 - Human Mage: 8 -> 9 Added more full-length portraits Added full-length portraits of NPCs Character avatars support multi-size Optimized character portraits/avatars selection UIs Show full-length portraits when browsing premade characters Replaced portraits of premade characters (may forcely replace by Resets premade characters) Adventurers recruited from taverns use some old portraits only by default Added multiple background options in character panel: - Show Background: Full-length Portrait - Show Background: Full-length Avatar - Show Background: Avatar Added background icons for equipment slots Optimized Arena UI Optimized some misc UIs Adjusted hotkey of Arena Storage Box: s -> d Custom resolutions allowed to exceed desktop size Fixed: Needless level selection UI when create new adventure games Fixed: Negative uses of Turn Fixed: Trade bug of Healer's Kit Fixed: Incorrect material entries in description of chests Fixed: FPS drop issue caused by Flurry of Blows, etc. Fixed: Location indication issue of quest The Missing Banker - Expanding the Scope Fixed: Needless Weapon Familiarity entry in Half-orc description Fixed: Typo in load penalty description Note: When you encountered a bug, please zip and send your saves (the game folder\saves) to support@lowmagicage.com. It's extremely useful for debugging.