[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27379329/07ece3accb971cd8a7c041508a33d5b9320d84a6.jpg[/img] Added Combat Difficulty settings - - Relaxed : Player characters only suffer 20% damage, and make significantly less continuous misses. Enemies have a -4 penalty on their attack rolls and defences, and doesn't multiply damage on critical hits. - Easy : Player characters only suffer 40% damage, and make less continuous misses. Enemies have a -2 penalty on their attack rolls and defences, and doesn't multiply damage on critical hits. - Moderate : Player characters only suffer 80% damage, and make less continuous misses. - Core : There are no adjustments to all values and mechanisms. - Hard : Player characters suffer 120% damage. Enemies have a +2 bonus on their attack rolls and defences. - Nightmare : Player characters suffer 200% damage. Enemies have a +4 bonus on their attack rolls and defences, and always use the best tactics. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27379329/b5b430b3946936cb0fd707e130b661b89686b6af.jpg[/img] Combat difficulty can be chose or adjusted on: - New Adventure game dialog - New Arena game - Adventure mode scenes lower right menu - Arena mode lower right menu - Battle scene lower right menu Old Adventure and Arena saves use the "Core" combat difficulty by default (i.e. no adjustments) New Adventure and Arena games use the "Moderate" combat difficulty by default Combat difficulty can be adjusted during the game at any time, even in battle. Adjusted system menu of most scenes Adjusted bottom UI of battle scene Adjusted height of most large windows, such as Quests, Formations, and Goods, etc. Note: When you encountered a bug, please zip and send your saves (the game folder\saves) to support@lowmagicage.com. It's extremely useful for debugging.