[img]http://cdn.steamstatic.com.8686c.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27379329/f0ee264ac2a1937883dc6380b6311345998ec9d0.png[/img] Steam Workshop New Features: Submit arena parties Create parties by downloaded parties Added detailed information automatically when submit parties and characters New feature: copy parties and characters to clipboard (plain text or Steam forum UBB format) for easy communication and workshop content description [img]http://cdn.steamstatic.com.8686c.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27379329/85953a2d0b5491dbd554dfcc0bc8359ffd5121c1.png[/img] Fixed: Steam Cloud errors have a chance to overwrite saves Fixed: Sometimes some battle information are still displayed after battles Fixed some text errors Adjusted debug commands