Recently, one of our players Ashley B (Twitter: @AshleyBFilms, wrote a short story about the low magic background. Some bookish LMA players may want to read the short and nice story since there is no official LMA story yet ;) [url=]Download TXT Version[/url] [url=]Download PDF Version[/url] Read the story directly: [h1] No Magic First Spell - Short Story [/h1] by Ashley Beaufoy Twitter: @AshleyBFilms Long ago: There was the golden age of magic. A time when mages and witches were revered as heroes; as the leaders of the free world. Children looked up to them; hoping one day to be like them. People saw them as their protectors; dependable and always watching over them. However, this was also a time when the magical factions waged a bitter and un-winnable civil war among one another. Some saw magic as a way of "healing the world". Others saw it as a weapon used to bend the weak to their will and rule over those they saw unworthy of the magical essence that surrounded them. As a result the people turned against the once worshiped magical users. They began to be hunted down and either killed, or captured in order to learn how to abolish magic. Or to tempt the free users out of hiding. Over 100 years have since passed, magic has long since faded from this world. Those still alive who once possessed the ability to control magic have slowly felt it leave them. Until...eventually, it has all but left them. Now in the town of Depletion, we follow the story of a young boy known as Lucent. Unlike his fellow town members, he still believes in what magic can do for the world. # The town of Depletion is small and out of the way. Most people keep to their own devices and do their jobs before going home. Socializing here and there as part of their everyday life. Lucent is sitting on the steps leading up to the town hall, watching over the center of town. He wonders how people can just live on without the use of magic, but appreciates that they all seem happy. He quietly listens to the chatter and various sounds around him. Lucent, growing tired of watching over the town begins to walk home. Walking into his house we see his farther setting the table, a couple small handfuls of bread are laid out. "Hello dad, how goes the day". Lucent 's farther looks up with a faint smile and sits down in one of the chairs. "Oh, hi son. It 's alright, barely enough food for today but we 'll get by. Me and you always do, without you I'd probably have left a long time ago". Lucent recalls the last time he saw his mum. It 's a faint and distant memory but the only one he remembers. She suddenly left; in the middle of the night alone. He was still awake and scarcely able to see her leave. The last thing Lucent remembers is hearing the screams of his mum as she struggled to break free of the guards hold before leaving the town. Lucent stands still in front of the table looking over into an empty chair. "Are you alright son, don't let the food go to waste, it 's all we have haha". Lucent snaps out of his trance like state to faintly smile at his farther. "I'm alright dad, just a little tired from being out all day". Lucent 's father looks concerned at Lucent "Well come on son sit down and we 'll eat our food". Lucent takes a few bites out of the bread, as he has never been a big eater. Lucent now gets up out of his chair and begins to walk out of the room "I think I'll go to bed dad, I need the sleep. Lucent 's father nods and begins to take all the plates off the table, putting the spare bread away for another day. # The sun begins to rise high into the sky. Lucent is already up and about walking seamlessly around the town. Stopping to sit at the steps before the town hall, as he always does. The day continues to pass on and we see his father running around after the towns blacksmith; being the only good assistant he has, the only assistant he has ever had. Lucent wants to tell the blacksmith to better treat his father. But is afraid of the burden it might place on his father and the ability to earn the few shards of food and warmth they have. He patiently sits and waits for the day to pass on, hoping something good will come of it. One of the towns old and retired elders walks around the town, generally saying hello and glancing at all the people and the various goods laid out for sale. Stopping to look at some jewelry; the elders eyes fixated on a small necklace with a blue sapphire pendent. The elder holds up the pendent and brings it around to show everyone "I say this is beautiful, it reminds me of the amulets used to protect those from physical attacks". One of the nearby guards walks over to the retired elder and attempts to remove the amulet from his hands "Stop and refrain from speaking of old magic at once!". The confused and retired elder turns to the guard and refuses to let go of the necklace "I meant no panic, I only wanted to reminisce of my fond memories". The guard insists he lets go, as people begin to grow weary of the talk of magical items. Lucent sees the commotion and rushes over to break up the conflict. The amulet glancing Lucent 's hand, lightly shimmering before hitting the ground and shattering into pieces. The guard turns with an outrage to swipe at Lucent; who swiftly dodges the blow. "How dare you intervene in something way beyond your sight!". Lucent begins to run, knowing he cannot attempt resolve this with words. The guard eagerly chases after him, almost matching his speed; barely trailing behind. Lucent runs into a dead end, with nowhere to run and no gap to slide through. The guard : cornering Lucent, smirks at the fear in Lucent 's eyes. "I would have thought a watchful boy like you would have thought of a better route to escape. I'll make sure you and that foolish old elder don 't spread such deception again". Lucent 's face turns cold, now aware of how his own people fear magic, not releasing the good it can do. "You 've turned this people into fearful shells". The guard : loosing any patience he has left to speak with the boy, moves forward. "We merely keep the peace, magic has already pushed these, our people to fear it. We only nurture that fear to keep them going. You should know. Say, when was the last time you saw your mother, or heard her voice hmm?". Lucent growing angry, with an intense and uncontrollable blind rage taking over. "I heard her scream, trying to get away from you. I've been afraid ever since that day to speak of magic, to anyone..only watching". The guard raises his already unsheathed sword, ready to strike : "I'll allow you to leave this world the same way your mother did..screaming!". Lucent raises his hand, a small yet sharp blue spark emanating from his hand before leaving to strike the guard. The guards face turns hollow, as his body falls to the ground; still barely moving. The shock of this event causes Lucent to fall; dropping to the ground. # A women is walking through the woods near the village of Depletion. She suddenly stops, sensing something in the air. Almost as if an energy once lost has found it 's way into the world again. "What, no. This cannot be possible. It had all but left us. I don 't have the time to wonder, I might be the only one still holding on". The women puts her hand into a small pouch and opens a small crystal bottle. This bottle has a small engraving of a half empty circle. The bottle is almost empty; only having enough liquid for a single gulp. The women takes a single sip, almost nostalgic as she does. Stepping slightly aback from her original spot, the women holds both her hands up to the open plains. Just beyond the trees in front of her. A overwhelming light shoots from her hands into the air in front of her; appearing to hit an invisible wall before forming a oval shaped portal. The women takes a couple steps into the portal, arriving at the cornered off area the guard and Lucent are laying in. "This aura emanated from a young boy. It looks like a simple elemental spell. How on earth did he manage to make himself pass out from it? No matter, I need to take him somewhere safe. Especially considering what this boy could do to the world". Lucent begins to wake up, finding himself in a small cave not far from the village. His body still aching; feeling a pain which tingles through his entire body. "The guard? My hands ah-". The women walks into the cave, running over to Lucent. "Relax, please. The guard is fine. You hit him with a faint elemental shock spell. For some reason you passed out. Which is strange considering it was a simple spell". Lucent exhales, surprised at the words that ran from her mouth. The women sighs, realizing the time is turning, even for the world around them. "I don 't have the time for you to grow into this. I wish we could wait, but you don 't have the choice, especially with the world we both live in. "Long ago magic existed, and people believed in it; welcoming it into their lives. But with the light, comes the shadow that falls behind it. People were sided and the magic took it 's forms. The water that flows, and the fire that burns. Eventually the magic, once like our breath. Transcends into another realm. One we cannot reach. You have a choice. I will help you to learn how to use magic, teach you what it can do; the spells that protect, and the ones that destroy. My name is Blind, I was once a Witch. But my time with magic has passed me by now. Much like my name : You have the ability to help people see what we once lost again". Lucent struggles to comprehend what this all means. He has always wanted magic to come back. But never thought he would be the one to make that kind of choice. He wonders about his father, what he 'll do, how he 'll manage without Lucent. How people may react, and what they 'll do when they realize what potential magic has. Lucent slowly walks out of the cave, looking into the distance; as if to take it all in for one last time.