Hello Adventurers, Since Low Magic Age was released on Steam, we have been improving it with weekly minor updates for months. This rapid iterative development method can quickly collect player feedbacks and process in time. It is a perfect solution when there are a lot of details and minor problems to deal with. After we moved on to the adventure mode as the main job, we found the old updating solution is no longer high-efficiency. No matter how much time is spent on a routine update, the adventure mode development will always be interrupted and work efficiency reduced ;( The better way is that finishing a complete adventure code module and then making a big update based on player feedbacks collected during the period. It's also more suitable for major content updates, like new classes or the vancian magic system. So we'll use this solution for future updates, instead of the weekly minor updating. [img]http://cdn.steamstatic.com.8686c.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27379329/5afacd572a2f1d3517090ff0f1df56b9c56a9be4.png[/img] - AM Low Magic Studios