[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39005220/2e0694ec218291a69bdeb8e3204f1dabffce83cf.png[/img] Lorn's Lure is now at a stage where I'm more confident in giving a narrow launch window. I'm aiming for a launch WITHIN SUMMER!!! According to Google, this gives me until "the autumn equinox, which is on September 23" to launch the game. I haven't been updating footage for a while now, so here's a little teaser trailer with this announcement for y'all: [previewyoutube=jQDKuKTZVjo;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Need Korean Localization[/h2] I still need a Korean localizer if anyone is listening to this. If that's you, please join the [url=http://discord.gg/dQj9DUD]discord community here[/url] and let me know in #general. All the other languages have been filled, Korean is just machine translation right now, so the quality on launch will not be great unless someone contributes. Worst case, I'll find professionals after launch though. [h2]Another Omega Cohort Incoming[/h2] I'll keep running these closed tests right until launch, so if you're still interested, [url=https://forms.gle/WVFzeSCEYBG1B3eJ6]the signup form is here[/url] There were over 500 respondents last time, but that was a while back and availability might have changed so I'll bias towards new folks. Also Joining the Discord is now mandatory for testers, since it's easier to coordinate bug fixing there vs across many channels. Now's the home stretch, so stay tuned for more! Cheers,