[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39005220/2e0694ec218291a69bdeb8e3204f1dabffce83cf.png[/img] As usual, I've been hard at work on the mechanics plus bug fixes and now have an update for y'all. [h2]Here's the condensed list:[/h2] [list] [*] Finalized grappling [*] To respawn, you now press T (for "try again"). This was done to avoid accidental R presses [*] Bug fixes with the sliding mechanic [*] Audio bug fixes [*] Terminal velocity is now cancellable if you grapple, or double jump [*] Fixed a bug where sliding past terminal velocity let you live, until jumping and landing on anything [*] Added a Cheese Mode (not available in the live demo) where I can integrate the mechanics into the production area for testing [*] Added a testing sandbox to the demo where. Press T at the main menu to enter a small area where you can test all the new mechanics (beware it destroys your saved files) [/list] I'm looking for feedback on the dashing, so let me know what you think! Read below the video for controls. [h2]You can see all the features in action in this Cheese Mode speedrun[/h2] [previewyoutube=a8daT3x989A;full][/previewyoutube] Apologies if the video is a bit dark, not sure why that's happening... [h2]Below are the controls for Test Mode[/h2] [b]Double Jump:[/b] [list] [*] Press space in mid air [*] Also works if you walk off a platform [/list] [b]Grapple[/b] [list] [*] Click where you want to grapple and it will pull you towards that point [*] You can move around while grappling to swing. I recommend doing this for better results. [/list] [b]Dashing:[/b] [list] [*] Run until your reticle flashes and press Shift while on the ground to perform a long dash [*] If you're in the air and your stamina is low enough, but non zero, your reticle will flash, and you can press shift to dash in mid-air [/list] [b]Flares:[/b] [list] [*] Grab them with E [*] Throw them with F [/list] [b]Wall Kick (Tic Tac):[/b] [list] [*] Jump into a wall [*] While facing a little over 90 degrees away from the wall, press the jump button again, and it will kick you off the wall [*] Tip: imagine your leg kicking off a wall while moving forward. The wall has to be to your side, and a bit behind you [/list] [b]Blue Crystals:[/b] [list] [*] Just walk into them to automatically destroy them [/list] [b]Moving Platform:[/b] [list] [*] There's one moving platform. If you stand on it, it will move on a predetermined path until it stops at the end [/list] That's all for now! Enjoy, and looking forward to your feedback!