Greetings, community! After two months of hard work we are finally ready to present you a really HUGE update. So, let's begin. [b]Interface:[/b][list] [*]New production interface. Now a player will be able to choose how much production a building produces per day. You don't have to click the soap icon a million times per day anymore! [img][/img] [*]New map. Now there are two maps in fact - a global map and a village map. Heroes, soldiers and workers are shown on the viillage map. [img][/img] [*]New minion control menu. Now you can assign your minions to work in buildings from here. [img][/img] [/list] [b]Mechanics:[/b][list] [*]A new quest line from the North Kingdom has appeared. In case of alliance, the nords will share their weapons and armor with a player. After defeating the nords a player will be able to choose what to do with them - either to destroy or to make them pay tribute. [img][/img] [*] Fire. If a building's health points are cricitically low, a fire breacks out. You can extinguish it by fixing the building with the help of your minions. If your village is developed enough, the firefighters will appear near the Town Hall. [img][/img] [*] Now you are able to hire workers to work on your farms. [img][/img] [/list] [b]Graphics:[/b][list] [*] New heroes' attack animation. Now every character has 5 different attack animations, that will make fights more entertaining. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [*]New well sprite. [img][/img] [/list] [b]Stuff:[/b][list] [*]New Steam badges. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [*]New logo! [img][/img] [*]New loading screen. [/list] A HUGE load of bugs was fixed thanks to you. Thank you for helping us to improve our game! [b][url=]OurTwitter[/url] | [url=]Our Discord group[/url] | [url=]Our Steam group[/url][/b]