Hello, dear members of our community! The developers of "Life is Hard" are on line. It's been almost 3 months since the last documented update, and we think that it's time to shed a light on everything that happens behind the scenes of our production plant. [h1]About what we have done[/h1] Yesterday we've pushed the last update before a big work we're going to do (written about it below), which contains significant updates of villages, balance and the final of the game. We came to agreement that the real world is seemed being alive just because it can exist without any player's interactions. In our game the world requires constant interactions. It was decided to add some neutral villages, which are located between the player's village and nords' lands. A real race has now been started between nords and player: to conquer every village. After a village capture, its inhabitants will fight on the side of a conquerors and periodically send tribute consisted of a small amount of iron. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10693494/e8ee2f53833e3dd6cf2f1dc1975b0d9ec70e6701.jpg[/img] In addition, we've introduced some random events. So, for example, if minions are sick, they will make a medicine themselves. Moreover, occasional minion can invite their partner of the opposite sex for a hot cup of coffee. A severe rebalance of nagas has been made. You used to beat naga, now nagas will beat you. Oh, numerous bugs have been fixed. [h1]About what we are going to do[/h1] As we have noted, this update is the final before the big work that we will do over the game. Due to modest knowledge at the beginning of the game development, the lines of code were repeatedly duplicated, and bugs were fixed with "crutches" (even "crutches for crutches" are presented in the code), and no one could do anything about it. The code was polluted, and some fragments began to resemble cancerous tumors. Now we want to act radically: completely rewrite the game code. [b]What does it mean for you?[/b] We will try to optimize the game and escape it from many childhood diseases, such as memory leaks and long load screens. [b]What does it mean for us?[/b] First of all, the redesigned and correctly placed code will allow us to determine and fix bugs much faster. In addition, introductions of new content will be more smoothly than before. [b]What does it mean for everybody?[/b] Due to an amount of the current content that must be recreated, the next major update may be released not soon.