[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10693494/b2cbe41b48a9ef80f2561f2b373106d4297f462f.png[/img] For the last two months we've been working hard on the upcoming patch. I'm happy to announce that it will come out in the next few days. Important changes were made in sound design - there will be [b]two new soundtracks[/b] and a plethora of [b]new sound effects[/b] - 4 per weapon/armor type. So, I'm proud to introduce you to the new nordern raiders theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyK3kV-_35g This theme was heavily inspired with the northern folklore and culture. Vocal and drums are widely used in the Scandinavian music, so we used them in this soundtrack to make it sound authentic. It took a lot of effort to study the subject and compose this theme, so feel free to share your opinion, as it really helps Life is Hard to get better! P.S. This art is to become a cornerstone of a new cinematic trailer. All the artwork used in the cinematic will be available in-game as loading screens and on Steam as profile backgrounds.