Good day everyone! Pirozhok Studio is in touch. Today's patch affects the late game. Many players told us there was nothing left to do after beating the nords and the necromancer. Well, the time has come to change it. [h1][b][u]Random events.[/u][/b][/h1] I've done a great work on new random events, which may happen with your settlement in the late game. [list] [*] First event that I proudly present to you is [b]the undead scourge[/b]. [b]All the world[/b] plunges into chaos and destruction during the event: [list] [*] [b]Weather.[/b] The sun is shrouded by the plague fumes that rise from the ground, and at night the bloodmoon shines: [img][/img] [img][/img] [*] [b]Invasion of the undead[/b]. Numerous [b]graves full of undead[/b] ready to massacre everyone alive appear all over the world. In this situation living beings unite in attempt to save their lives. The sun does not burn the undead armies down during the day, making it even more difficult to fight them off. [img][/img] [*] [b]Refugees[/b]. Catastrophe like that will undoubly cause people from other settlements flee to cover behind the walls of your settlement. The player will have to choose either to let them stay or to drive them off (you don't need more eaters, do you?). Some of them will obediently go away, but others might try to take what's theirs by force. [img][/img] [*] [b]Fallen peasants and soldiers[/b] will turn into undead, slaughtering their former brothers-in-arms, whatever the matter of death is. [img][/img] [*] The event ends in a few days but might happen again in the span of the next 15 days. [/list] [*] The second event is the [b]peasant uprising[/b]. Peasants that are displeased with your rule might start an uprising. You can distinguish them from the loyal ones by the masks and special icons above their heads. [img][/img] [*] The third event is [b]lycanthropy[/b]. Some of your subjects get sick with a strange disease. It might lead to irreversible consequences if you don't take care of them... [img][/img] [*] Besides, many small random events were added, like [b]crop diseases[/b] or [b]hop weevil[/b] (Hi, Stronghold!) [img][/img] [h1][b][u]World map.[/u][/b][/h1] [list] [*] I've seriously reworked world generation in this patch. Now the world is created randomly from one of pre-packaged presets and gets filled with random ruins, towns and bandit camps. Such a way of world generation was chosen, as it allows to combine replayability with the advantages of manual level design. [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]A nothern town may now spawn to the left of the player's settlement[/i] [*] A serious work on [b]the minimap[/b] was done. Now it shows the current situation on the global map. Besides, the fog of war affects it too. [img][/img] [h1][b][u]New personal traits.[/u][/b][/h1] Player's subjects now have 6 new traits: [img][/img] [list] [*] [b]Quick[/b] - this minion moves 10% faster than others. [*] [b]Hesitant[/b] - this minion moves 10% slower than others. [*] [b]Drunkard[/b] - this minion's mood can be increased only with booze. [*] [b]Holy[/b] - this minion doesn't drink beer. At all. [*] [b]Tireless[/b] - this minion's energy decreases twice slower. [*] [b]Sleepyhead[/b] - this minion's energy decreases twice faster. [/list] [h1][b][u]Miscellaneous.[/u][/b][/h1] [list] [*] The "game over" window was also updated. There will be at least three types of it depending on the player's success during his reign and the end of it. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [*] Leather armor was also redrawn. The old armor looked bad and didn't fit. The new armor looks like that: [img][/img] [i]This peasant lost his head over himself[/i] [*] New northern raiders have arrived! [img][/img] [*] Many dialogues and descriptions were rewritten. Okri and Maxold had sunk into the abyss, meet Berthold the craftsman and Godric the fletcher instead: [img][/img] [img][/img] [*] New sounds were added to the game - 4 for each type of weapon and armor! [*] I'm also proud to introduce you to the new nordern raiders theme. This theme was heavily inspired with the northern folklore and culture. Vocal and drums are widely used in the Scandinavian music, so we used them in this soundtrack to make it sound authentic. Hope you'll like it: [/list] [h1][b][u]Bug fixes.[/u][/b][/h1] [list] [*] Firing units from farms doesn't cause problems anymore [*] Minions don't get stuck at the hospital anymore [*] Minions don't get stuck after having a bath [*] Several sprites were shown incorrect at the necromancer's hideout [*] Northern citizens used to behavy incorrect after their defeat [/list] That's all for now, folks! Leave your comments and criticism. You help the game to get better! Yours, Life is Hard dev :eitolstii: ----------------------------- Some useful links: [b]Discord:[/b] [b]Twitter: [/b] [b]VK: [/b] [img][/img]