Hello hello! It is been a while since our last update about the game!, so i'm going to share a bit of what's coming for Iconia Defenders! [h1]New Tier 1 enemies![/h1] Now enemies are divided by tier. All the current enemies belong to tier 1. This includes minions and mini bosses. Basically, they are all the enemies that you will face before reaching the first boss. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44891800/3d5bdd20de1e92c2d52f8b4b96b2dbc2ce7c9968.png[/img] [i]Courtesy of [url=https://game-icons.net/]game-icons.net[/url][/i] From left to right, prepare to face [b]Giant spiders[/b]! These creatures have a strong exoskeleton, so they are resistant to physical damage. And they will spawn [b]baby spiders[/b] when defeated! The baby spiders are weak, but they can quickly become a real threat! Then, you may be attacked by [b]Eagles[/b]! These flying creatures have high health and are resistant to physical attacks. But they don't go straight to your Extractor like the bats, instead they will [i][b]fly in circles[/b][/i] for some time before attacking. Last but not least, the [b]Troll Hunters[/b] are strong guys that [b][i]can sprint from time to time[/i][/b], highly increasing their movement speed for some seconds, with a fancy visual effect. These new enemies will not be available in the demo, instead they will only appear in the full game. [h1]New Mini boss for the demo![/h1] At wave 12 prepare to defend from these 2 bad guys: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44891800/9dfd2e21ebd5b57bef20ecbd53b02991e147d4dc.gif[/img] This is our first flying miniboss! Meet the [b]Mega Bat[/b]! Inspired by the real megabats (aka fruit bats). These creatures are strong, and will fly around the player's extractor before attacking it, pretty much like the Eagles mentioned before. This mechanic allowed us to create more interesting and tanky-er flying enemies without making the game too harsh. And allowing for different strategies to flourish. When combined with the "Deployment Tactics" Cursed gem, they will spawn regular bats from time to time. You will be able to fight the mega bats on our next update! [h1]Will there be Tier 2 enemies???[/h1] Yes! There are actually [b]16 new tier 2 enemies[/b] (including mini bosses and a new boss), which we will be presenting in a future post! To give you an idea of what to expect, they are undead-themed enemies, and will come exclusively on the full game release. I hope you enjoyed these dev notes! And I would love to hear your feedback! Share your thoughs and opinions, and if you want to participate in the development of the game join our discord with the link below! God bless you all and have a great week! - Rodri