[previewyoutube=zmY88ooiQHU;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Howdy Folks![/b] Wow. Five years (in 3 days) since the first build of H3VR went live. A half decade of meaty mayhem, processions of puns, and accidental alliteration. This game has now been part of our daily lives long enough that I struggle to imagine (or remember) what it was like without it. The metronome of these weekly devlogs and mostly-weekly updates have been the rhythm that’s shaped the past 5 years of my life. For that reason, and for the pure joy of it, we wanted to do something special, and perhaps a touch sentimental, for this 5-year anniversary update. We chose Boomskee to get a re-imagining for this update in part because the raw joy of tossing a grenade into a pile of physics objects was one of the first things that hooked me playing with Hand Tracked VR. For a blast from the past, this little 30 second clip was the first grenade we got workin’, before H3 even had a name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ6Si7Ph7Vs So it was back to this namesake that the past month’s efforts went. Tuning up the pinned grenade behavior, adding new unique sounds for levers popping off, pin collisions, explosion sounds, and some intense new player explosion shock visual and sound effects (those need to be enabled in the WIP Options section of the Options Panel btw). It was humbling going back to it. I think it’s easy as a game developer to get lost in the weeds of details and simulations and levels and scaling content, and forget how the simple pleasures of something like throwing are what makes VR special, and separates VR experiences from their flat-screened cousins. Anywho, we hope you enjoy this update, and I just want to take a moment to deeply thank all of the folk who’ve followed and played along with us over these past 5 years, as we’ve build this… well… whatever you wanna call H3 :-) It has been simply, indescribably, wonderful. Peace, All of Us at RUST LTD.. [b]Full Changelog - Update 98[/b] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*] Added New Game Mode: BOOMSKEE Reimagined - An Arcade Grenade Range Game [*] Added New Firearms: M1600 & M1600A2000 [*] Added New Grenade: F1 M1916 [*] Added New Grenade: F1 Russian [*] Added New Grenade: FMK2 [*] Added New Grenade: HE36 Mills Bomb [*] Added New Grenade: M26 [*] Added New Grenade: M67 [*] Added New Grenade: Mk V Gas Grenade [*] Added New Grenade: RG5 [*] Added New Grenade: RG42 [*] Added New Grenade: RGN [*] Added New Grenade: RGO [*] Added New Grenade: T13 Beano [*] Added New Grenade: URG86 [*] Added New WIP Options: Visual Distortion & Vignetting for Explosions, Sonic Shock and Tinnitus whine [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Completely rebuild Pinned Grenade codebase to improve pin-pulling experience [*] Rebuild Grenade Explosion Codebase for better radius damage, shrapnel, etc. [*] Several Grenades have new explosion sounds [*] Several Grenades have new lever release sounds [*] Grenade pins now have impact sound [*] Grenade pins disappear based on setting used for shell despawning [*] Existing Pinned Grenade Explosions updated to new system (note this will be rolled out to other grenade types and explosions later) [*] Added proper collision audio for separated Grenade sub-pieces [*] Soft particle depth intersections now enabled in both Ultra and High Quality presets [*] Original Boomskee Scene moved to Legacy Scenes area of main menu [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Multiple Grenade particle smoke lighting fixes [*] Fixed broken Soft Particle shader feature [/list] [b]Known Issues:[/b] [list] [*] Red Dot Zeroing distance cannot be changed in Streamlined control mode [*] Red Dot luminance changes are DISABLED at the moment [/list]