Update 104-Alpha 1 is Now Live On The Alpha Branch!
Author: [RUST]Grumplestiltskin,
published 2 years ago,
Howdy folks!
Have a new build for your folks this week, mooooooostly bugfix focused, but we've stuffed a couple extra things in the Item Spawner as well that've been in the game in one form or another in the past, but never directly spawnable until now. Do please continue to report any bugs of items you try to save/load that don't. We're slowly working our way through everything :-)
[*] Right click H3 in Steam
[*] Go to Properties
[*] Click Betas
[*] Click The Dropdown
[*] Select Alpha
[h2]Full Changelog - Update 104 - Alpha 1[/h2][list]
[h3][*] Additions:[/h3]
[*] Added The Following Items To Item Spawner: 1911 Oversize + Magazine, 1911 Longflop, Cyber Pistol, Hot Dog Grenade, Rail Camera, Camcorder, Gum Drops, Glowstick,
[*] Added The Following Sosigguns to Item Spawner: Ash12, KEDR, PKM, RG6, SVDS, Makarov, Toz106
[*] Tweaked collision damage thresholds on destructible targets
[*] Tweaked spring response on Popper Targets
[*] Further changes to Sosiggun Recoil
[*] Sosiggun Uzi now has 20 round capacity instead of 32
[*] Fixed broken Metadata Preventing Serialization on: Plunger Launcher, SPAAM, Uspsacial Attachments, Thompson 30 carbine Mag, HCB Bolt, Sturm Grenade, M720a1, M1a1 Rocket, M72 Rocket, Remote Missile, RPG7 Rocket, Panzershrek Rocket, OTS38, Meat Fortress EMP Nade, Meat Fortress Ubernade, Cyber Handgun, G3 Picatinny Adapter, Madsen LAR 10 Round Magazine.
[*] Fixed IFF issue with pinned impact grenades
[*] Fixed missing reference on HAM Comboscope preventing serialization
[*] Fixed misnamed field on USP Match
[*] Fixed physics issue with Dueling tree
[*] Made it so that grillhouse panel is no longer cleared by ‘clear spawnable’ button
[*] Fixed single element null list entries on Rail Lights, Microtorch, MG42, Scar17 CQC