[previewyoutube=548ozzTIpKg;full][/previewyoutube] Howdy folks! We're back from a little break and have a small content update for your folks this week, filling out the last of the 9 Meat Fortress character 'expansion kits'. Many thanks as always to the talented Pie_Savvy for their sharp original designs on these new toys. Now that the 9 classes have been filled out, the next thing up on the Meat Fortress front, which will arrive some time later this year, with be a Take & Hold character designed to use the entire equipment set, along with a few surprises designed to make that progression smoother. We've also got some plans for bot-class condition movement (like AI blast jumping) that should be arriving at the same time. We'll have some previews of that when it's ready to show. Anywho, we hope you enjoy the new kit, and we'll see you folks next week! Peace, Anton [h3]Full Changelog - Update 103[/h3] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*] Added New Firearm: Rosie (the rivet gun) (5mm Rivet) with 30 and 60 rnd Mags [*] Added New Firearm: Ol’ Reliable (7gauge Stout) [*] Added New Firearm: Backfield (11mm Mannchevskikovovichidev) with Extended Mag [*] Added New Grenade: EMP Grenade [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Muzzle Position for BFB (WHOOPS!) [*] Removed old Red Dot reference in Gold 1911 ItemspawnerID [*] Fixed missing Stock parameter for M2 Tactical Shotgun [/list]