[previewyoutube=cJMpXWTmYQU;full][/previewyoutube] Howdy Folks! Have a big Patch Update for ya this week, along with a BIG new toy. Enjoy! -Anton Full Changelog - Update 98 - Big Patch 1 Additions: [list] [*] Added New Firearm: Big Boomer (2gauge, Break-action, Meat Fortress) [/list] Changes: [list] [*] Rebuilt how AK tactical reloading works to make it more reliable, though you may have to apply more force [*] Nagant revolver is now loaded from, and ejects from, the correct chamber [*] Reloading relevant physics colliders tweaked on MP9, M1 Garand, FiveSeven FDE, Deagle50, PPK, Tactical 8400, Tec-9 [*] Added Magazine Removal Grab triggers to both Tec 9 versions [*] [Take & Hold] Standard Suppressor pool no longer includes old Maxim Silencers, only the old timey pool does [*] VZ-58 Custom now has Mag Release button [*] VZ-58s now all have bolt release/catch button [*] Mag release button removed from Famas [/list] Fixes: [list] [*] [Rotwieners] Fixed a number of broken references that could prevent things from spawning correctly. [*] Pinned Grenades can no longer have their pins removed when in a Quickbelt slot AND Spawn-locked [*] Fixed a couple broken references in game to various grenades [*] Replaced the old pinned grenades in the Main menu scene with the correct new ones. [*] Fixed incorrect rigidbody settings that were causing many grenades to fall through the world in many levels [*] Fixed collision behavior regression due to switching off PCM contact generation that caused break-action guns to get ‘stuck’ or jitter. [*] RGO and RGN Grenade levers fixed [*] All Pinned Grenades now have correct Quickbelt Slot Placement [*] Pinned Grenades can now once again be placed back in a Quickbelt slot, with pin removed, and it will hold the lever on the grenade [*] M18 Red/Freedom body texture fixed [*] Mk12 now correctly spawns with Picatinny sight in Take & Hold [*] 3x Flipping Magnifier now ACTUALLY flips [*] Fixed Vector45 Item spawner image alpha [*] Classis Boomskee grenades updated [*] Sturmpistole can no longer be erranted unlatched in Streamlined control mode [*] P90 now correctly doesn’t have last round BHO [*] Velocity/Damage fixed on 7.62x38mmR [*] RPK Magazine Quickbelt size fixed [/list]