Update 114 Alpha 3 is now Live on the Alpha Branch!
Author: [RUST]Grumplestiltskin,
published 2 months ago,
We are here, a day late yes! But here with an update. After some terrifying computer issues came to a head (Intel 14th gen chip that needed a bios update apparently booooooooo) I was delayed from getting this out. Couldn't get the devlog to render without a crash. But all is well now, so we have this, and a MASSIVE MEAT FORTRESS UPDATE for you folks.
Scoring and Chat Simulation Added to the Meat Fortress Scene. Rebalances and improvements to Sosig Behavior. New secondary Sosig MF weapons. Snackston Hale Take & Hold character, and 4 new Meat Fortress Weapons by the Incredible PieSaavy!!!
Note, if you'd still like to contribute account name and chat line ideas for the Meat Fortress Chat simulation shown in this devlog, this Google Form will be live until the end of the weekend: https://forms.gle/X3NkEJx3RbArYwzb7
Anywho, with this goofy nonsense in, we're just about ready to head to main branch. Out intention is to do that next Friday, and thus complete what has been one of our longest and most systemically complex Alpha Cycles ever. We of course thank you all for your patience.
Hope y'all have a WONDERFUL weekend!
[*] Right click H3 in Steam
[*] Go to Properties
[*] Click Betas
[*] Click The Dropdown
[*] Select Alpha!
[h2]Full Changelog - Update 114 - Alpha 3[/h2]
[*] Added New Take & Hold Character: SNACKSTON HALE!!!
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Firearm: Stonethrower [9x45mm Classic]
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Firearm: Noisemaker [12x22mm MC]
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Firearm: Vulture [10.1mm SHhhhhhh]
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Firearm: PasDeDeux [.58 UltraLongRifle]
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Sosig Weapons: Pistol, SMG, StickyLauncher
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Sosig Melee Weapons: Saw, Balisong, Pan, Bat, Wrench, Bottle, Kukri, Shovel, Axe
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New System: Kill Scoring - All Sosigs (and the player) accrue tracked kills over the course of a round, and the round now ends when one team reaches the kill limit.
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New System - Sosigs Playing Meat Fortress on Smeme: Each ‘player’ in Meat Fortress now has a randomly generated account name (from 1500+ names submitted by our WONDERFUL community).
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New System - Game Chat Simulation: While playing, a goofy simulation of chat plays out between the Sosig players, shown in a chat window in the Spawn Room, and floating in front of the player (you can disable this if you find it annoying).
[*] [Meat Fortress] Added New Sosig Enemy Template Sets in the Meat Fortress Theme: Secondary (uses secondary weapon instead), Melee (uses melee weapon), Bot (Tougher Junkbot Enemy), Bot Melee (Junkbot with Melee Weapon)
[*] Rebuilt Item Spawner Entires for all Meat Fortress Weapons that use Magazines to give Magazines an explicit page, similar to how things work with ‘regular’ guns
[*] Rebuilt entire team-handing system for Meat Fortress using more modern IFF code
[*] Tuned, fixed and added OffMesh Links for Meat Fortress Scene using modern systems. WAY more jumps for the Sosigs to path on.
[*] Changed MANY parameters for Sosig Enemy Templates for Meat Fortress characters to make them move and fight more dynamically.
[*] Changed Meat Fortress pistol to being Semi-Auto
[*] Buffed the Medical 180 and Rosie
[*] Fixed a bunch of visibility issues related to Thermals seeing objects, like smoke volumes
[*] Fixed issue where the incorrect shatter geo was used for Meat Fortress turrets of some teams
[*] Fixed some null ref issues related to MF teams
[*] Fixed some bugs relating to the MF Medic
[h3]API Notes:[/h3][list]
[*] A major internal type/class safety check relating to ammo has been removed from the Vault System. This allows modded objects that alter ammo type to save/load correctly. HOWEVER, this means that the Vault will now attempt to spawn ‘broken’ ammo data. Meaning if you install a mod with a custom ammo type, save a gun/scene with it, remove said mod, and then attempt to load it, the Vault system will no longer attempt to error gracefully, as so unpredictable things may happen.
[h3]Notes And Warnings:[/h3][list]
[*] Resetting Windows and Doors is temporarily unavailable from the Scene Fight panel (you will need to reload the scene). This will be migrating to a new place.
[h3]Notes To Modders:[/h3][list]
[*] Ammo/Cartridge Box system is NOT done yet. Do not begin any work related to it yet please. There are some major structural flaws to it I need to fix and didn’t have time to get to this week.