[previewyoutube=1MID8ZeuyQo;full][/previewyoutube] Howdy Folks! Have a quick Alpha build this week, mainly fixing some continuing Scope Math headaches, fixing some rendering, and remaking a few tools and toys. Hope you have fun with it! Cheers, Anton TO PLAY THE NEW BUILD FOLLOW THESE STEPS:[list] [*] Right click H3 in Steam [*] Go to Properties [*] Click Betas [*] Click The Dropdown [*] Select Alpha! [/list] [h2]Full Changelog - Update 113a2[/h2] [h3]Additions:[/h3][list] [*] Added New Firearm: P90 (with fancy shmancy transparent magazine) [*] Added New Attachment: Classic 3-12x42mm Scope [/list] [h3]Changes:[/h3][list] [*] Rangefinder Rebuilt to use new Scope System, with accurate HUD for range and angle (Ole dragged me kicking and screaming through implementing this and I’m glad he did) [*] Rebuilt Internal Transform Handling in Scope System to allow for other component orientations (this will make sense next week lololol) [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Fixed backwards scope rendering [*] Fixed missing chromatic aberration and distortion on scope rendering [*] Fixed Scope UI to properly display Scope and Reticle Windage and Elevation Adjustment in proper units (instead of ‘ticks’) [/list] [h3]Removed:[/h3][list] [*] Removed Old P90 model & Magazine [/list]