[previewyoutube=sCyZC0Ycvho;full][/previewyoutube] Howdy folks! We're (just barely) back in action after our break the past 2 weeks, and we've put together a small but goofy update for y'all for April Fool's Day (we can't pass up the opportunity to pop some more weapons-grade stupid into the game to celebrate). We hope y'all enjoy this little collab with Kommander Karl (author of the Rail Tater). Remember, don't believe anything you read on the internet for the next 24 hours or so :-P Peace, Anton [h2]Full Changelog - Update 108 - April Fool’s Nonsense[/h2] [h3]Additions:[/h3][list] [*] Added New Firearm: Rail Tater (chambered in Rail Potate) [*] Added New Firearm: MP5 Shadow (I’m so incredibly sorry for this) [/list] [h3]Fixes:[/h3][list] [*] Removed Bayard 1908 last round slide hold open [*] Fixed missing textures on some 23x75mm rounds [/list]