[previewyoutube=RWJ1PX5isXo;full][/previewyoutube] Howdy Everyone! Hope y'all are having a pleasant Holiday (or just an all round wonderful Tuesday). We decided to do a little goofy update this year to fix a GREIVOUS error in the game, which was the lack of the ability to grill tiny wieners on the grill in game and eat them so.... there ya go. *snort* Available in the Arizona Range. Peace, Anton [h3]TO PLAY THE NEW BUILD FOLLOW THESE STEPS:[/h3][list] [*] Right click H3 in Steam [*] Go to Properties [*] Click Betas [*] Click The Dropdown [*] Select Alpha! [/list] [h2]Full Changelog - Update 110 - Alpha 2[/h2] [h3]Additions:[/h3][list] [*] Added New Melee Weapon: BBQ Rapier [*] Added New Misc Object: Tiny BBQable Wiener [/list] [h3]Changes:[/h3][list] [*] Charcoal Bag & Lighter Fluid now in the Item Spawner [*] Grill now has improved detection radius for cooking and erm... doing Thermal Damage to... things. [/list]