[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/18966105/1ca55ffaa037bc6842aaf1d349e19999b0ec0ab6.png[/img] Howdy Folks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inbnO8NLCCo Hope you're all having a wonderful day! On this most thematically appropriate holiday of the year for H3, we've got some very special (and goofy as all get out) toys for you today. We hope you enjoy them very much! Remember, it's not just the new gats in the indoor range, but the fireworks have been rebuilt as well, so hop on over to the Arizona at Night range, and fire off some roman candles, or load an AA-12 up with some Cannonball 12 gauge and enjoy the lightshow :-) Have a Happy, Safe and Relaxing Holiday! Peace, Anton & All Of Us Here @ RUST LTD. Update 56 Changelog Additions: - Added New Firearm: Quackenbush 1886 Boy’s Rifle (.22lr) - Added New Firearm: Takedown 10/22 (.22lr) with 10 and 25 rnd Magazines - Added New Firearm: 1894 Lever Action Rifle (.44 magnum) - Added New Firearm: Hand Crank Frank Portable Gatling gun (45-70 Govt.) - Added New Firearm: M2 Tombstone (.50 bmg) Changes: - Rebuild Roman Candles & 12 gauge Cannonball Rounds to Make them prettier Known (Major Issues): - Vault is still broken