Devlog Video here: [url=]Link[/url] Update Notes: Additions: [list] [*]Added New Prototype: User Generated Scenario Editor (Early Alpha State) [*]Added New Tool (UGS): Entity Spawning Device [*]Added New Tool (UGS): Entity Parameter Editor [*]Added New Entity Set (UGS): Destructible Blox (with configurable material) [*]Added New Melee Weapon: Spiked Mace [/list] Changes: [list] [*]MAJOR Change: Quick-belt pose system rebuilt. Alignment of all objects is now different [*]MAJOR Change: Melee weapon damage is now computed differently. Net effect is a nerf BUT: [*]Melee weapon damage calculation now based on an inertial model. Long swings do TONS more damage than flutter-taps [*]Chainsaw made more powerful post-nerf of general melee damage [*]Tactical Knife now does damage!!!! [*]Crowbar, Axe, Hammer, Wrench can be cycled between two poses by trigger-pull [*]Changed way collision impulse that shatters objects is computed (to better factor mass of opposing rigidbody) [*]Refactored entire damn attachment system to allow for attachment mounting on non-firearms (yes, it was hell) [*]Reconfigured every damn rail and suppressor attachment mount to new system (kill me) [*]Temporarily removed sound generation on some collision events (sound system refactor in progress) [*]Some destroyable objects can now take damage from arbitrary collisions. [*]Rebuilt Level management system to accommodate future UGS system [*]Removed Halloween theming from main menu [/list] Fixes: [list] [*]Fixed a bunch of internal item database inaccuracies [*]Fixed rare interface null ref that would cause chainsaw/drill to break [*]Fixed incorrect reflection in Friendly 45 Range [*]Fixed incorrect flags being set internally for kinematically locked objects [*]Fixed misc. Errors in ballistic computation [*]Fixed incorrect physical material being applied to colliders in rare cases [*]Fixed DT11 Incorrect muzzle smoke positions [*]Fixed progressive misalignment of flashlight held in quick-belt slot [*]Fixed objects falling through floor in Warehouse scene [*]DRILL NOW DRILLS IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION OMFG GAME NO LONGER UNPLAYABLE [/list]