[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/18966105/b6bb09f4141c6c72cdeb7a9796fc2d0f87b1f916.png[/img] Howdy Folks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs-ASQbg0G4 Hope you’re all doing well! We’ve got a Alpha Build release for this week, for testing the return of a feature I know many of you have been practically banging down my door for, namely THE VAULT. For those of you who are newer to the game, the Vault is a function withing the Item Spawner for ‘scanning’ a firearm with magazine and attachments on it, to be able to duplicate/retrieve later. I had gotten this working last year for a while, bunch changes to my attachment system to accomodate rails on certain moving parts as well as the barrel extenders broke its functionality. The process of fixing it revealed even more issues (broken math) that became evident on guns using rail adapters aaaaaaaaand it was just terrible to work on, so I avoided it… until now. SO, please put it through its paces this week. If all is well, it will be pushed to the main branch in the next update. TO ACCESS THE ALPHA (after 7pm PST tonight): 1. Right click the game in Steam 2. Click Properties 3. Click Betas 4. Select Alpha1 from the Dropdown Peace, Anton Current Alpha Build Changelog Additions: - Added THE DARN VAULT BACK TO THE ITEM SPAWNER!!!! Changes: - Item Spawner now remembers which page you were last on for each SubCategory Independantly - Item Spawner Vault item deletion now has a ‘Confirm’ button. - G19 Glowsights Now Actually Glow - G19 Muzzle Device Location Fixed - MP9 and Corded Suppressors are now in the Item Spawner Fixes: - Fixed Vault not re-assembling guns correctly - Fixed Assorted Issues with gun serialization - APC9 and APC45 Bolt Release Physical Buttons Now Work - 40mm Grenades are Visible Again - Nagant Revolver now correctly has a suppressed firing sound - Katana can now stab properly - M4 Lefthook Bolt fixed - TOZ 106 Now has safety sound - Fixed Missing Geo on M200 - Fixed Missing Cobray Suppressor from item spawner