[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/18966105/39a0be380ebdffd3d11e5d967b6f4ca20d51d4dd.png[/img] Howdy folks! Just a quick message for ya today, as I'm just wiped from getting the video and alpha together. Build will push live at 7pm PST as usual (on the alpha branch only). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbNd2CtbFeA Please let me know if anything goes super wrong with the foregrip system. It was coded in a moment of sudden inspiration/wild excitement, so there may still be some bugs in it. Also, remember that I've activated a couple more scenes, and popped an item spawner in the Gunnasium, so enjoy! Remember, to switch to the alpha branch: Right Click H3VR in Steam and go to 'Properties' Click on the 'Betas' tab Click the dropdown and select 'Alpha 1' Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Peace, Anton