[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/18966105/06327b739c69502b0f7877c04b5fc9ed5ed435ad.png[/img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzb972Mqb84 Howdy Folks! Hope you’re all having a pleasant beginning to your weekend. I’ve got a huge bag of toys for y’all this week, on a count of my procrastination working on core system migrations for Update 52 (and a certain other research project folks on the subreddit know about). So instead of getting ‘hard’ work done, I just went bananas implementing some of the huge stockpile of firearms I have accruing on my HDD. The focus was primarilly on WW2 era stuff, filling in the battlefield role of carbines and heavy rifles, as that part of the spectrum has been a little thin (which one really feels playing T&H with the WW2 loot tables). The Johnson 1941 and Remington 81 do a great job of filling out the ‘full power cartridge’ side of things, and the two new .30 carbines help add some variety for our intermediate cartridges. Also, to add some ordnance variety, I’ve put in Mk2, No69 and Stielhandgranate grenades. I’ve actually got a pretty large collection of mid-centry grenades from a ton of countries, so you should expect those to be added here and there for the forseeable future (seriously I have like 30 grenades…). SO, I hope y’all enjoy the new toys. My next week will be back to getting neck-deep in Meat Grinder so we can finally get this darn game off the Alpha branch! Have a wonderful week! Peace, Anton To Switch To The Alpha Branch: - Right Click H3VR in Steam and go to 'Properties' - Click on the 'Betas' tab - Click the dropdown and select 'Alpha 1'