PATCH 1.1.6 : Debug and Polish
Author: Milkshake Games - Gacha Fever,
published 1 day ago,
[h3]BALANCING :[/h3]
- The sale price of the weapon is greatly increased if the weapon level is at least level 3
- The snake idol recipe: requires 1 less music sheet.
- The lazer = Increase in magic damage ratio: 150% => 200%
The number of projectiles is increased from 1 to 3
[h3]POLISH :[/h3]
- Corrections to English explanations of certain items / stats
- Minor changes to the tooltips
- Light polish on hub interface
[h3]DEBUG :[/h3]
- Nathaniel starts well at 1 HP at the start of the wave
- Debug on hero selection
- Minor debug of the crafting panel
- Debug the character stats interface
- Change on sounds in the menu