-When the wave is over, the pull range of gold and exp has been increased by 150% - The base HP of bosses has been increased by 27% as well as their progression depending on their level - If the player finishes a run, kills the final boss, he gains 200 additional exp on his account. - Correction on the Craft and Level Manager panels, UI placement problems are resolved - Correction on Craft, the recap of the crafting items corresponds well to the crafting items on the Craft panel - Correction on saving sounds for effect and music volume - Correction on the increase in power of enemy projectiles, - Enemy projectiles no longer completely disappear. (If you still encounter this type of problem, report it to the dev team) - Correction on panel transitions, craft / level manager / boss. - Light correction on the game logo in the main menu - Added a translation for the text of the choice of gold loot in the phase: Weapon purchase - Correction on texts that overlap