[h3]BALANCING :[/h3] - In addition, the reward gain has been further increased depending on the wave level. - Crafting the snake statuette is much more complicated - Void Orb enemies, which appear against the Void Messenger on difficulty 3, or in the temple are invincible. [h3]INTERFACE[/h3] - Added a slider which gives information about the wave, bosses, loots in the HUB [h3]DEBUG :[/h3] - Fixes to wave progress display in infinite mode on difficulty 3 - Fixes to the lack of exp and gold gained from bosses ! [h3]TRANSLATION :[/h3] We are currently in discussions to add languages ​​and change the German language which was temporary. [h3]ROADMAP :[/h3] - Fixed the blocking bug in the shop. (rarely happens, don't hesitate to send us information if it happens to you) - Improvement of credits to add thanks that are important to us, people in the community who helped us a lot <3 - Improved balancing based on your feedback ! [h3]GACHA FEVER -20% :[/h3] Take advantage of Gacha Fever is still on sale at -20% for a few hours! A huge thank you to all the players, to all the new Gacha Fighters! Your feedback helps us so much to improve the game ! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2673310/Gacha_Fever/ [h3]FLESH PSYCHOSIS :[/h3] While the dev fixes bugs and takes feedback into account, our artist and sound designer start working on our next little game: Flesh Psychosis, don't hesitate to support us by adding the game to your wishlist :) store.steampowered.com/app/3084720/Flesh_Psychosis/