Hello again engineers! I'm happy to announce that content update 1 has been released. I've been working hard since Final Factory's release to shore up some of what I consider critical content, UI, and QOL that's been missing. In the preview, I went over many of the new features, but I'll go over them again here, in addition to some other goodies. [h3]Supply Bots[/h3] A new type of bot has been added to the game: Supply Bots [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43547551/f58154414d0fb4c3708c0fa7afa5f31bf6cb6e47.png[/img] These function similar to logistics bots in Factorio. They can take items from networked storage and provider cargo holds, and transport them to the new Requester Cargo Holds. They can be stationed at Construction Towers alongside Construction Bots. This should add a new logistics options for end game, and help you clean up networked storage holds that are filled with items. I plan to add an interface for requesting and trashing specific items as the player. More to come! [h3]Tech Tree UI and Research Queue[/h3] Next up, the Tech Tree UI is finally complete. The new UI panel will show the same grid of technologies to be able to scroll through, and in addition, a tech tree that will show the subtree required for the currently selected tech; it will also let you navigate around the tree by clicking the technology buttons. Perhaps even more importantly, one of the most requested features on the [url=https://final-factory.nolt.io/]nolt board[/url], the [b]research queue[/b], has finally been implemented! You can queue up a total of 6 technologies at a time, which should make research a little less tedious. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43547551/1228fabbc13e9469cbb77917b2e35e5b19ffdee7.png[/img] [h3]Blueprints in the Hotbar[/h3] Another long requested feature has been implemented: the ability to add blueprints to the hotbar. Whenever you have a blueprint of any kind selected, you can simply click the hotbar to gain quick access to that blueprint. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43547551/a1fce57e082fc7d5c019cc2936d6683e1396e936.png[/img] [h3]Production Graphs[/h3] I've also enhanced the production statistics panel to show graphs for production and consumption over various time windows. This comes with a major performance boost, especially for end game factories, and it also is included in your save game, so your production stats will now persist when loading a game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43547551/44eae40d0c11fc63d51e456980c4ec3c6953cb2e.png[/img] [h3]Localization[/h3] We've added language support for Korean, Simplified Chinese, Russian, and Japanese. These translations might still need work and we will gladly take feedback for any translation mistakes! Remember to head over to the [url=https://final-factory.nolt.io/]Nolt Board[/url] to vote on features, or make suggestions! I've already implemented many of the highly upvoted features from the board, and it also serves as our roadmap so you can see what is being worked on! The other devs and I are also always in the [url=https://discord.gg/finalfactory]discord [/url]and reading bug reports and feedback, so please feel free to stop in! [h3]Full Update 1 Patch Notes[/h3] [b]Supply Bots[/b] [list] [*] Added Supply Bots to the game [*] Added Requester Cargo Holds to the game, which can request specific items from the logistics network, and have Supply Bots fulfill these requests [*] Added Supply Bots technology [/list] [b]Technology Panel[/b] [list] [*] Revamped UI for the tech tree [*] The Technology Panel now shows the subtree for the tech you have selected, so you can see all of its requirements, and see what it unlocks. You can also navigate around the tech tree [*] Added space for the research queue [*] The technology panel will now take up the full screen [*] Added the ability to queue up up to 6 research (including the current active research [/list] [b]Oracles[/b] [list] [*] Added new shop item for increasing inventory size to the oracle [/list] [b]Modding [/b] [list] [*] Removed unused data member in technoloy config that was causing confusion [*] Exposed mining laser color in the shader so modders can change its color easily [*] Mod Compatibility will now be specified at the patch level in the version. So 0.17.3.x mods will not technically be compatible with 0.17.4.x. This should allow more granularity in mod updates. [/list] [b] Production Stats[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a significant performance issue in production stats accumulation, especially for large factories [*] Added graph views to production stats [*] Added different time window views to production stats [*] Production/Consumption stats are now included in your save file and will persist when loading a game [/list] [b]Localization[/b] [list] [*] Added support for Russian, Simplfiied Chinese, and Japanese [*] Added several more strings to the localization dataset to be translated [*] Fixed several places where translated strings would appear cut off or otherwise render badly in the UI [/list] [b]QOL & Misc[/b] [list] [*] Updated obelisk art so you won't run into it and ships won't pass through it (and it looks a little cooler) [*] Moved celestara oracle down on the y axis so you won't pass through it [*] Added a slider to cargo holds for slot disabling like DSP. No longer need the middle mouse to disable slots [*] Players can now hold the control key (rebindable) to place a blueprint of an item in your hand from the craft panel, so you no longer need the item in your inventory to put it on your hotbar or place a blueprint of the item in the world [*] Blueprints can now be placed in the hotbar [*] Connector inventories will now allow 8 items per slot (won't affect existing machines in your save) [/list] [b]Fixed Update[/b] [list] [*] Revamped FixedUpdate logic to prepare for multiplayer [*] Use ToggleRateLimiting to enable this mode, and setRateLimit to set your UPS manually. The lower you set this value, the better the game will perform. Useful for large factories [/list] The game will eventually use FixedUpdate mode all the time, as it is required for multiplayer [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where ships stationed at defense platforms would not follow the ship through portals [*] Fixed a bug where the logistics item panel would overflow horizontally if you had a lot of items on the logistics network [*] Fixed a bug where mining stats would show the incorrect value [*] Fixed a bug causing the ice shader to flicker [*] Fixed a crash caused by mining production stats [*] Fixed a bug where ancient portals would fail to activate if a duplicate name was found [*] Fixed a memory leak related to production stats [*] Fixed a crash that would happen when building blueprints or cutting a selection of structures [*] Fixed a bug where construction bots could lose their task and fly off into oblivion [*] Fixed a bug where the command core info panel could throw errors [*] Fixed a bug where Ship Yards weren't accepting Supply Bots [*] Fixed a bug where requester cargo holds weren't accepting ice and organic compounds [*] Fixed a bug preventing the Singularity Cargo Hold from opening [*] Fixed an issue where hand icon was displaying on craft buttons always [*] Fixed a bug where blueprint were throwing errors [*] Rearchitected construction bot task logic to fix many bugs and performance issues which were impacting this feature [*] Fixed a bug where Dyson Bots could not find a dyson platform to deploy to [*] Fixed a bug where your personal fleet bots could fly off into the unknown indefinitely when using the hide fleet feature [/list]