[h2] Full Patch Notes[/h2] [h3]New Game Settings[/h3] [list] [*] Added a stack size modifier setting that allows the player to control how large stack sizes can be [*] Added tooltips to each of the new game settings in the custom game panel [*] Fixed several bugs with new game settings not being properly respected [/list] [h3]Mac Builds[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a DLL conflict preventing Mac builds from working [/list] [h3]Multiplayer Progress[/h3] Progress on multiplayer remains our number 1 priority. This past week we've made huge progress in these key areas: [list] [*] Removing floats from placeable data, which allows us to decouple placement state from unity's local transform world state, which is all float based [*] Strides have been made in refactoring the game to support multiple players. Currently, there are many places in the code (read: hundreds) that assume only 1 player is active in the game, which obviously won't work for MP. I've added a new module in the code that manages an arbitrary number of players joining a game, and have updated many of the places in the game's logic that assumes only 1 player. [/list]