Hello everyone! First of all, thanks a lot for the warm welcome you gave the game. We're really thrilled that you are really hype about it! However, the launch itself was not perfect. Some people are having a lot of crashes, sometimes with in-game pop-up, sometimes just with a Unity pop-up, but no matter how they ended up happenning ; this is far from ideal. The main issue there was that we couldn't really reproduce the crashes on our test environments. However, thanks to you and your feedback, there's a lot of them we were able to tackle down (I don't want to say all of them for the obvious reason that we never really know, right). Moreover, we'd rather deploy this patch fixing a lot of the crashes as fast as possible, even if some might still be here, rather than waiting longer and having a lot of people experiencing the game negatively If any crash situations happens again, please have a look at the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2400770/discussions/0/4846526093724394752/]Steam Forum's pinned thread[/url] where there's a procedure on how you can send us your crash logs to help us take care of the remaining ones, shold there be some. Please note that even though we've tested this patch on our side, we also did for the game's launch, so we do apologize in advance should you still have trouble. We're doing our best to prevent this from happenning Please find the full 1.0.2 patchnote below Once again, we sincerly apologize to people that had those crashes, preventing them from having fun at all. Thanks a lot for playing Dungeon Tycoon, and see you for the next update(s)! [h2]Patch 1.0.2 Changelog :[/h2] [h3]Crashes fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed general unity crashes (Updated Unity) [*] Fixed an in-game crash from arrow rain skill from rangers [*] Fixed an in-game crash from combat [*] Fix quit to desktop sometimes crashing [*] Fix crashes from outlines on VFX [/list] [h3]General bugs[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed reached 5 star message and achievement not showing sometimes [*] Fixed wrong percentage completion in the research tree [*] Fixed heroes getting bugged after killing a loot goblin sometimes [*] Fixes campfires ramdomly not being used [*] Fixed achievement for researching the first research page [/list] [h3]Other changes[/h3] [list] [*] Added better diagnostics [*] Capped the FPS to 144 until we have a configurable UI (this was potentially causing crashes too) [/list]