[b]To our incredible Dungeon Tycoon community,[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/fc934b140a810d4b66555f0ac3c01bf2c63e74b1.png[/img] Thank you so much for this incredible Next Fest, it has been truly incredible to have so many people try out our demo and show enthusiasm for it. This retrospective is born out of the incredible amount of feedback you have provided. [h2]Results of the Feedback Survey[/h2] [b]80 people were also kind enough to fill in our feedback survey.[/b] Here are the results: [list] [*] More than 80% absolutely loved the demo. Only about 2% had a bad time playing it. [*] Around 89% thought the game was easy to understand. [*] Some 6% didn't like how the game looked. Ouch. [*] More than 85% thought the game was easy. [/list] [h2]Key Concerns & Our Learnings[/h2] From the myriad of feedback received, some recurring themes emerged: [list] [*][b] Longer Tutorial: [/b]We realized the importance of guiding our players more thoroughly in the early game. [*] [b]Wall Visibility:[/b] Introducing options to minimize or hide walls for an optimized visual experience. [*] [b]Hotkeys:[/b] Enhancing gameplay efficiency. [*] [b]Camera:[/b] Making the camera usage more enjoyable. [*] [b]Bugs and Behavior:[/b] Addressing glitches that affected gameplay, from major issues to the amusing 'negative visitor amount' anomaly we encountered. [/list] [h2]Demo By The Numbers (As of 16/10/2023)[/h2] Your enthusiasm was evident: [list] [*] Amount of people that claimed the demo: 7,161 [*] Amount of people that played the demo: 2,658 [*] New wishlists: circa 2,500 [*] Average time played: 54 minutes [*] Median time played: 30 minutes [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/5ce6cbe9fda0557020e3cf9822073b045365087f.png[/img] [h2]The Road Ahead for Dungeon Tycoon[/h2] [b]Realm System:[/b] We're in the midst of designing a captivating realm system, where mobs are summoned from various thematic worlds. Whether it's the searing heat or the chilling cold, each realm will immerse you in its unique ambiance, bringing with it creatures that perfectly encapsulate its essence. [b]Code Cleanup: [/b]Game development can be a messy affair, especially when the clock's ticking. We’re taking a step back to tidy up our codebase and reevaluate some of those midnight-oil design decisions. [b]AI Overhaul: [/b]NPCs are about to get a whole lot smarter and more interactive. Want the details? Keep an eye out for an in-depth devlog coming your way soon! [b]Deepening the Lore:[/b] As a tight-knit team of three, every coffee-fueled brainstorming session counts. We're not just coders and designers; we're storytellers. And we're hard at work weaving intricate tales and histories that will breathe even more life into the world of Dungeon Tycoon. [b]Mapping Out Adventures:[/b] Exploring new terrains? Absolutely on the cards! We're brainstorming on diverse maps to elevate your gameplay experience. [h2]Behind The Scenes: Our Game Dev Journey[/h2] Creating a game feels like navigating a maze sometimes—exciting paths, unexpected dead-ends, and eureka moments. To our fellow devs, you know the drill: that balance between experimentation and execution is always a thrilling challenge. And to our players, it's about turning those trials into a fun, engaging experience for you. We've been playing with ideas, sometimes scrapping them, other times refining them. Some of our behind-the-scenes antics might give you a chuckle! But it’s all in the spirit of crafting something memorable. Your patience and passion fuel our journey, and together, we're shaping the world of Dungeon Tycoon into a thrilling odyssey. Here are some images of our journey developing DT: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/ac1abd6839686cc136dfb1283c0d9f03ef30f86f.png[/img] Crawler was born! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/3084e094130f6aec727b2dae34b8d5d4d97487b6.png[/img] The hero and the crawler art test [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/45abbbde22ec798bf625cbf2a2ef51ab8b11088a.png[/img] Grid system, item placing [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/c488e2de0a082db1d2ea399d37d9f8dc75038b0c.png[/img] Room detection and darkening shader [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/751e1c04bb7d9f366deb4ecc8952e28d1cf3ffe3.png[/img] Initial game design idea [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/9918a2e49c5a1149fa4550864a6b167e74ec51a4.gif[/img] New look, new VFX [b]...and the game today:[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/c3bcafa2ad6c3126a43a679afb293575b98a6234.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/c152c144385bb3dc71cefb595a35d34da27022aa.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44097891/ad4f9a75255b0c304f5622a977ba752c6b7954a4.png[/img] (Courtesy of our players on Discord) [h2]Closing Words[/h2] As we draw this retrospective to a close, it's hard not to be overwhelmed by the weight of the journey we've undertaken. Those initial moments, filled with simple joys like successfully placing walls in a line on our laptops, now seem both distant and deeply cherished. From humble beginnings to the burgeoning community around Dungeon Tycoon, the progression has been nothing short of magical. Yet, as significant as this journey has been, we are acutely aware that an even grander adventure lies ahead. With the foundation we've built and the support of a community as passionate as you, the horizon is bright with promises and potential. In closing, let us reiterate a sentiment that can't be stressed enough: thank you. Your encouragement, feedback, and sheer enthusiasm are the winds in our sails, the fire in our forge. Here's to the roads we've traveled, the dungeons we've delved into, and the vast landscapes yet to be explored. [b]With profound gratitude and anticipation for the future, The Dungeon Tycoon Team.[/b]