[h2]Dead Estate is [u]40% off[/u] for the the Steam Winter Sale[/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1484720/Dead_Estate/ [h3]Update #2 will be OUT of beta on [b]December 29th[/b]![/h3] [i](Instructions on how to access the Beta Branch are at the bottom of this post)[/i] This Beta includes ALL features and additions that will be rolled out in 1 weeks time. This public Beta allows us to test the update in a more controlled environment while we squash bugs, and test and polish everything we can. [h3]The BIGGEST change in 1.3.0 is addition of a [b]new character[/b]: [u][b]BOSS[/b][/u][/h3] A [b]highly-combustible[/b] criminal who uses [b]sticky bombs[/b] as her main method of attack! Starts a run with the “[i]Second Chance[/i]” item, another random bomb-related item, and explodes upon taking a hit. [i]Also comes with her own B-costume![/i] [u]Boss must be unlocked first[/u]. But we are certain that even you 100%ers will have fun working towards that, as it encourages you to test and explore the other new content in the game! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39217323/7651ffe44dcae152c752284529342273ec6b60ef.jpg[/img] We will explain the new features in greater detail when leaving Beta in 1 week. But for now we can share update #2 also offers: [list] [*]5 new "subfloors" [*]3 new level variants ([i]Flooded, Burning, and Dark[/i]) [*]16 new items [*]6 new weapons [*]4 new enemies [/list] Test it out for yourself, see if you can win a run with [b]Boss[/b], and seek out the other new additions that lay in wait for you to discover. If you find any bugs, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1484720/discussions/0/3484123157237416337/]please do report them[/url] in the Steam discussions. Please consider joining the [url=https://discord.gg/yDGTnxV]Milkbar Lads Discord[/url] to convene with other members of the fandom. Maybe you'll get some sneak peaks at what the devs have cooking! Or join the [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/deadestate/]official [b]Dead Estate[/b] subreddit[/url] to share screenshots, video clips, memes or anything else you care to share with other fans of the game. [h3]ACCESSING THE BETA[/h3] Accessing the public beta branch is simple as can be and only takes a few steps: [olist] [*] Find the game in your Steam library, right-click it, and select "Properties..." [*] From the menu on the left of the new window, select "BETAS." [*] Click the dropdown menu underneath where it says "Select the beta you would like to opt into", select "public_beta - Public beta." [*] Wait for the game to complete updating. [*] Launch the game! [/olist] [b]The update will be [i]officially[/i] released on [b]DECEMBER 29TH[/b]! We will explain every new addition in much greater detail, including our first teases of Update #3![/b] Thanks for all of your support :) -Graeme [i]PS> Consider picking up the 2 Left Roguelikes bundle, which includes additional discounts on both [b]Dead Estate[/b] and [b]WizardChess[/b] (a tactical, chess-based, deckbuilding roguelike)[/i] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/29214/2_Left_Roguelikes/